I'm back and I'm so, so awful...

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by allyorbase, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    PoxNora is like riding a bike -- a bike that continuously adds new pieces and parts. Everywhere I look, things are different. Voil are even more inefficient than when I left in 2012-ish, and my win rate with SP is officially, adorably bad.

    I want to make an SP good-stuff BG.

    Sue me, but, ultimately, I want to get back into the game and SP. I'm not looking for exploits like the old, now defunct Lightning Elemental + Sock, or the apparently cheesy IS Tales of Valor -- I'm just looking to dive back in and not get all hung up on themes and delicate synergies.

    Any advice? Any previously bad runes that are now awesome? Any old staples that have been usurped by new runes in the same role? Any good combos with runes from recent expansions or changed runes? Anyone have a great, generic SP BG they'd like to share?
    Xinde likes this.
  2. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Have you checked out Moga Cannon and Moga Slinger?
  3. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Moga Cannon and Mud Elemental are both extremely good, both in goodstuff and in their respective themes. I'm not exactly the best person to ask about goodstuff deck advice, but I would probably run something like this for FF SP now: http://www.poxbase.com/#!/deck/CdZc4IC3ncgqcq4C4gC4PC5dck_CgJCwHs3ts7yS6Ys7Bs59s82r2YR2ZrOe1Q

    I tried to keep my own bias against goodstuff out of this, so I didn't add any of the unique fun runes I tend to throw into my decks. Most of these runes here are standard auto-includes now. People will say that Lightning Ele is bad now, but I like him, and he can still pull his weight. If they're not really your style, replace them with Doomballs. Moga Cannon and Jester might be closer to 1x-worthy, and you might want to drop one of each for personal choices if you like. It's also possible to drop the State of Confusion for another Whispers, but again that's up to personal choice. Oh, and don't listen to stfn's ravings about 2x Vertical Push. One is all you'll need, and I honestly don't even think that will be required. Peak Tactics will give you all the damage necessary to deal with superchamps, along with Cyclonic Fesh + Thunderhead Totem turns.

    Also, Sceian is still godly in the right hands (lost 1 rank of Warcry for a slight cost decrease), so don't even think about dropping it. Other good choices include Voil Infernal, Peaks Dao, Albino Fesh, G'hern Soothsayer, Hyaenid Spearman, Klub the Devourer, Alacrity, Pilfered Armory, Mark of Kiergana, Slaver's Whip, and Rock Trap.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

  5. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Run x2 Whispers of the Mind. Realise how OP it is. Profit.
  6. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Here's what I use: http://poxbase.com/#!/deck/CdZc4Icy...0caacgJCwHs5Qs1ks3ts6Ys7Bs59s82r2YR2ZrOr2le2H

    I probably should add a diamond mace back in...but I'm experimenting w/o it.

    Moga cannon is good but, for the love of god, I hate the sprite and won't use it.

    I probably will end up removing Klub/Spike (even though it's great) just because it takes up 2 slots in the deck. I could get another great unit (mud elemental, firebomber, peaks dao, rupture alpha, kanen slipped, etc.) and free up another slot for 2x whispers, diamond mace, slaver's whip or harpoon.
  7. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Kanen Slipped is great, it works well even without other Kanen. I'm primarily an SL player, and Slipped is in any deck I have that isn't themed.
  8. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Holy cow re: the Moga Cannon. Hit and Run and Rover: Evasive, I assume? Encouraged is amazing in SP. Thanks for the tip!
  9. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Awesome. I actually forgot about the Cyclonic Fesh. Literally. What's a Cyclonic Fesh? Awesome; that's what.

    I have NEVER played SP without a Diamond Mace, even in Hyaenids with 2 Spearhunters. I guess I am just *terrified* of equipment. Whispers of the Mind is just... wow. Thanks again.
  10. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Is the Angel old news now?

    Peaks Dao looks amazing, still... anyone running outside of Hyaenid?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  11. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Just guessing, but Peaks Dao is probably run outside Hyaenids more than it's run inside Hyaenids. Init. 2 makes it a great unit to protect an undefended font or as a turn 1 deploy on some maps because it allows you to cap a font 1 turn earlier. Between glorious leap and reflexes 3, it can shut down pretty much any melee unit in the game. Alternatively, you could do a BM 3 build which, when combined with defender 3 from hold the line, provides a great aoe buff, which is very strong in SP in particular.

    Angel has a lot of utility--distract, bomb that sets def to 0, pull. But it seems a bit weak compared to some of the other 80 nora champs (compare it against moga cannon for example).

    I'm experimenting w/o diamond mace. I didn't use it very often and often I found it was nora neutral or a loss (i.e. 30 nora + 3 ap to destroy an equip that might cost less). I might add it back in later.
  12. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    The players who have posted BGs in this thread are only running one Detector (or none at all in one case). Is that really not a problem for any of you?
  13. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Stealth isn't that big in the meta atm; Imps might give you trouble, but they're very uncommon. If you find yourself against a deck with one or two stealth champs, try to rely on Artillery from Moga Cannon, Fesh's Lightning Blast, Fire Bombs, Mud Ele's Hungry Mire, or other alternative detection methods such as these. If you end up needing a real Detection unit, try the Voil Transporter. He's amazingly cheap and also brings Relocate: Ally.
  14. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Try this out. http://www.poxbase.com/#!/deck/CiXC3nCaGC5TcynC4PC5dCw8cgJCwHS3tS7yS6Yr2YR2ZrOE2W I am having lots of success with it. the main combos are lightning storm and Cyclops stormcaller and lightning rod, along with thunderhead totem and overcharged golem. The nublins are for font contesting.

    I went from getting my ass kicked using chaos braves and voil conquerors, to beating a limited league player when I switched to this bg.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  15. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Doombringer functions as a pseudo detect; mud elemental w/ hungry mire; lightning blast on cyclonic and aura; fire bomb on firebomber; chain lightning on stormflyer; echo chamber for stealthed relics/champs; and slag overmind illusions. They aren't perfect, but it usually works.
  16. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    My bg will save you a ton of money and I have beaten an expensive sp bg with it.

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