Increasing Turn Time

Discussion in 'Training Grounds and Game Guides' started by HalfGodBro, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I like rapidice's concept alot. I feel like this could work. Keep the time at 1:45 and then grant players the option of adding time onto one of their turns... Better yet even 3 of their turns.. This would keep it at the same momentum. And you wouldn't have to wait that extra 15 seconds for an idle/ragequit player as you would if it was raised to 2 minutes.
  2. Poxbrothers

    Poxbrothers Devotee of the Blood Owl

    In my opinion the best way into solving the time issue is start the timer at 1min and let it increase by 10 seconds for each real champion you deploy up to a maximum of 2:30min, adding a clause that if a player doesn't do anything for a minute (without DCing) he automatically loses the game.


  3. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Sorry guys, but this has been discussed a lot through the years and the general consensus is that the amount of time we have today is the ideal one.
  4. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    If it's the consensus then we'll reach the same conclusion again, that's the point of revisiting discussions. Did you know that people can change opinions over time? I know, you're shocked.
    Zenity and HalfGodBro like this.
  5. Lord Kinjo

    Lord Kinjo New Member

    I think there is certainly room for discussion on what the "general consensus" is. I feel like each time this discussion comes up, it's a heated battle. Granted, most of the time, it's both easier to do nothing, and there is a decent enough contingent to agree to keep the timer as it is. But empirically, if we just look at the argument, and see that it always comes back, we as a group, should probably consider the possibility that there's also a decent enough contingent that's in favor of upping the timer.

    I am one of those who wish to see the timer at 2:00. Or, to have some sort of a bank. (To illustrate: Turn one you get 1:45 now. You scry, survey champs, deploy, end turn. Takes you 8 seconds let's say. So you bank 1:37. This gives you the opportunity to bank around 5:00 minutes in the early game before things start to truly heat up. Now your turn comes and you want to execute a mammoth maneuver. That 1:45 you have is gonna make it tough. But you've got 5:00 in the bank. Let's say the turn takes you 2:15. You used :30 of your bank. Now your bank is 4:30. )

    I'm in favor of either. But I'm also a staunch defender of the minority when it comes to the argument that extending the clock will increase average game times. I'd be willing to admit that probably it will (by a few seconds or maybe a couple minutes at most). But I am very adamantly opposed to the idea that games will grow by 10 minutes. I think it's just fear and fuzzy logic that gets us to that conclusion. The majority of players will take their turn and end it as soon as they are done. True, there are those players you run in to that dally. Or that are trying to multi-task and will use their whole allotment for X number of turns. But those instances are few and far between. Certainly not the majority of "all turns taken in Poxnora in any given day, week, month".
    Zenity likes this.
  6. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Keep as is and include an option at Shrines to activate for +20 seconds at -7 life on shrine (Like Scry)
    Will give you an option for a few more moves and interactions on powerturns, but it comes at a price.
  7. HalfGodBro

    HalfGodBro The King of Potatoes

    the Time in bank idea is really a good idea imo
  8. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Rather like an ability for shrines that give you more time for one turn at the cost of health or next turn nora. More decision - making during your opponent's turns is fun :p
  9. Elric

    Elric I need me some PIE!

  10. SANTodeGA

    SANTodeGA New Member

    really liked the time bank idea. But i NEVER play ranked anymore so...
  11. sidmouth

    sidmouth The King of Potatoes

    The time bank remains a pretty damn good idea. I think shorter turns (maybe 1:30) + a time bank would be my ideal but the current situation is not bad.

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