K'Thir Forest Player Council Nominations

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Senshu, Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. Imba

    Imba The King of Potatoes

    I vote for karmavore
  2. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    xirone good knowledge of faction always posting trick's and bg's also has great ideas for new runes.
  3. Karmavore


    In other news, I'm pretty KF is the most active forum atm :)

    Edit* Updated.
  4. Poxbrothers

    Poxbrothers Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I'm casting my vote for TheNidhogg.

    We have a lot of interesting possible candidates, but I feel that TheNidhogg has the most knowledge of the game as a whole.
    And from other posts I've seen from him he's good at giving the right arguments for a change in a discussion.


  5. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    Reddain no contest.
  6. jvne

    jvne Well-Known Member

    Theniddhog, reason: When I was new and had ton of questions after he was matched against me and stomped me, he made time (2-3 games) to show me different cheap BGs and gave me some advices, while at the same time there where ppl that wouldn't even tell me what certain effects/abilities do after I lost to them.
  7. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Experience does give credibility, that's just a basic fact of life.

    I seek no influence and have already said that I cannot and will not serve on a PDC of any kind. 1) I don't have the time, and 2) I know my limitations.

    I've made several suggestions and comments directly related to runes and abilities, both in your threads and in multiple hundreds of threads over the years. If you cannot see or understand or read or be bothered to think about those, that's your problem, not mine.

    You've never taken the time to explain your positions other than to restate your original position and reiterate your initial reason for stating that position. That's not explaining, that's repeating. Different.

    My comment was an honest attempt to explain why you get the blast of negative responses from many quarters, not just from me. It's not an attack on your character per se, it's a critique of your style.

    I do respond directly to what's written. I've pointed out multiple and specific problems with your suggestions, with rationale and examples. Whether it's to point out that you've got the stats and abilities of a champ you want to change wrong from the get-go (Regulator), or that you've proposed some kind of change that is out of line (8 spd for all flying fairies), or that you've proposed a complete change to a rune that removes any synergy it might have had (wisp, sylph, moonbeams)... your responses have generally been extremely nasty, negative, repetitive, and annoying. I am not alone in that response.

    You're a lost cause, and that's my last direct response to you.
    DarkJello likes this.
  8. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Sorry about that, i mixed you up with Nid back there. You write very similarly.

    You hopped onto a thread that you knew full well (or should have) hadn't been updated in almost a year. The stats were wrong. There was a lengthy note about it.
  9. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    The Nidhogg

    Also prami, just stop arguing with everyone over everything. It's getting pretty old and you should have noticed by now that it's not working.
  10. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Though I am currently in the lead, I really think a top player like Thenid or Karma should be in. They will know balance issues better than I will. If the devs need a second KFer, I think I'd have some interesting things to say. With any luck, there will be 2 or 3 of us there (whoever that might be).
  11. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Xirone has good KF-related ideas and for that I had wanted to vote for him. But I suppose TheNidhogg seems more knowledgeable, so I'm gonna vote for him. If there was a second slot available for this, I'd pick Xirone too.
  12. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I think the most important thing is to be rational and to have a good understanding of the game, so you can comment on what looks like it would work well (and be fun to play with) and what's just nonsense/broken. I don't see why council members need to be top players really, as long as they know the game inside out. Perfect balance can only be achieved through frequent testing anyway, nobody can foresee everything.
  13. only

    only Active Member

    vote: TheNidhogg

    reason: my two obvious candidates for this would be him and Zorbot. I need to choose one. Zorbot is not active in forums. on top of the, TheNidhogg mains FF SL as well. so it's win-win in my books to have a dual player in such a club.
  14. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Sorry, bad habits die hard. I'll feel bad about it later if i just leave it alone.
    I didn't start this of course. It seems that whenever i make a post about anything, there are 3-4 people ready to jump out and attack me over it. Not the post mind you, me.
    I'm always going to defend myself.

    My initial questions still stands unanswered. They're not so much of a problem now (i don't think), because there are so few people active on the forums, but could become a problem if the player base increases.
    What's to stop someone from hopping on an alt. account and rigging the vote?
    How many times can people be elected?
    Can people be elected in secession?
    How transparent will interactions between the Dev's and this council be?
  15. Modoch

    Modoch The King of Potatoes

    The Nidhogg
  16. only

    only Active Member

    Prami, I will be completely serious here so don't take it as a joke. if you really consider yourself as a candidate here and this is what you want. it would be a right time to share your views on KF and game in general. simply tell your ideas/thoughts and people will like it (or not). instead of just arguing semantics...
  17. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Eh? When did i volunteer?

    I've been posting ideas for a while. I've started several threads under the keyword Initiatives. I'll post some more later, maybe.
  18. Karmavore


  19. samomo

    samomo New Member

    Can I know from the nominee's what they feel is the 1 thing K'thir absolutely needs fixing--or rather, what would be the first thing they'd propose to Owl first before I cast my vote?
  20. Karmavore


    Well, in my opinion we need to go back right to the start of KF and make some adjustments with everything that was defined as the "core set."
    I really want runes like Elven Druid - Timberwolves - Elven Skymarshal - Garu Elder, to be viable and playable. I feel it's important not only to the vets to have access to more runes, but also everyone who is just coming into the forest and can't necessarily afford the new KF meta, why not shake things up and make everything viable.
    (this includes spells/relic/equips)

    Rune accessibility is already being changed, but generally most of the LEG' runes are being stockpiled/held onto, which makes me think we need to do something about everything prior to the LEG' and make those easily accessible runes, viable and (close) on par with the newer runes. This game is heavily catered to us vets, and I'd like to change this.

    But all in all, I just want to help out in anyway I can. That would be my main goal as far as my personal agenda is concerned.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
    Zenity likes this.
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