Last attempt at saving UD

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nepyonisdead, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    So I was encouraged by @Gutsa to make this thread as a last attempt to save my faction because the representative from the council either hate this faction or just lack interest in standing up for it. Also the attack waves coming from people who are literally the bottom % of pox despite playing the best themes are starting to resonate and while I did decide to get frustrated silently my chat with gutsa gave me a ray of hope that this thread my finally open up peoples eyes to UD.

    UD is quite a simple faction to play and isnt as complicated as most of the other themes out there...unfortunately this makes its strength far too easy to spot and cry about despite being no where near as crazy as other factions. This leads to the faction being either abused by everyone in the lobby or completely deserted after the wave of nerfs hits and this is starting to become unbearably repetitive.

    here are the changes that i can remember that ''killed'' the runes and I honestly blame the reflex nerf whines which puts the pressure on Sokolov ((who isnt to blame for most of them)) to act.

    1. Korona : after losing oblivion shield the number of times ive seen her in play can be counted on one hand, and rightly so. Why should she be run? the nerf to batteleader and her general high cost and squishiness makes it an unlikely addition to any basic bg builder

    2. Drain vitality: while the initial edition of the rune may have been good the change literally killed the rune, I havent seen this rune after change and personally it went from 2x auto in any bg to none at all

    3. Fiery ambush: people kept whining about that spell despite frigid barrier being even better if u ask me in terms of securing the font and while I can understand a nerf call the change again Killed the rune

    4. Mandate : while the -2 dmg isnt a big deal really its just an example of the relex nerf calls surrounding UD at any stage

    5. Deep elf priestess relocate demon went up by to CD 3 for absolutely no reason and as any player with a basic understanding of UD will tell you the faction needs a reliable gap closer to be playable since most players will see you coming and play a posion or rock trap because they are counting on UD lack of cleansing giving us a HUGE disadvantage

    6. Grimlic: while that change might satisfy really shitty players like super and dice , I just found it annoying symbolically rather than literally because its another demonstration of how being a newb and whining about random runes will get you a favorable result.

    7. Imp whole theme: got Firking annihlated with the changes to their abilities and their general squishiness

    8. Blood whole theme: again went from absolutely broken to being absolutely useless

    9. I am going to insert perseverance here since it makes alot of our champs expensive but rarely come in handy and while i understand the meta has changed since their release i feel like that should be a point to address or change the ability

    10. for the last rune i wanted to insert the most absurd nerf of all time...AVARICE
    that equipment was nerfed merely 1 or 2 days post release because of the unbelievable whining that followed and went from 2x equip in any meta to 1x in imps even.

    Now the usual suspects dice and super are back to their habit of whining and complaining that a 2 year old can beat them with them using skeletons and are back for culler and thunderhoof, units that i remind you werent patched or nerfed since their release. This is absolutely unacceptable....those units were more than fine and never has anyone cried about them being OP and if u want to argue they are powerful Ill bring up Sonicbolt / extinguisher/ fishkisser/ and many other over the top units that would be 10x more broken because at least their factions have sustain / clease.

    Ill leave you with this note, if you still decide to change UD me and the rest of the proper UD players will adapt to other factions and will use that to still come out on top but the whiners will never stop. There used to be a time where whining in public was shamed and players were encourage to get better but now we are not only giving an ear to those idiots we are encouraging them to come out with more bullshit

    anyways this is my 2 cents on the topic and the rest is up to anyone reading this to decide how they want pox to be
  2. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Thunderhoof and Culler are OP

    Saying that is not an attack on UD or a desire from me to somehow gut the faction or the champs

    Saying that simply means the champs are OP, without any nod to what has or hasn't happened to the faction in the past
    SPiEkY, Vorian, DonK101st and 3 others like this.
  3. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    so is extinguisher / sonicbolt / icefang/ tortun fishkisser but since they arent what dice and super got ***** by recently we can just gloss over that
  4. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    This logic is not a viable defense (even if I agree with you on some of those)
    DiCEM0nEY, xaznsoulx and Etherielin like this.
  5. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    How did Avarice look prior to nerf? I didn't see it on release.
  6. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    pretty much adds manic to the champion and that was changed overnight to the current version
  7. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    SPiEkY and Bondman007 like this.
  8. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Korona hasn't had Oblivion Shield in a long time right? This wasn't a recent adjustment. I am pretty sure this happened around or at DOG revamp. I know I have barely touched her since I came back. I can certainly see her having Oblivion Shield on the second line, but I don't think this is an example of a nerf that's killed UD.

    It was actually nerfed twice - the first nerf basically did nothing - it was still 2x auto. I was concerned about the AE version being too much of a nerf and maybe that's the case. Would like to see other opinions on this spell. Could see a price decrease but it's a very powerful debuff and a huge DMG/SPD swing in the right situation.

    Fire Wall in general was doing massive amounts of damage in particular in gimmick decks, so in some ways this was a bit of a broad stroke. It did get reduced by -5 nora but maybe that wasn't enough.

    Strong spell that remains strong, IMO.

    It wasn't no reason. All relocates went to this paradigm, along with many other abilities increasing in CD. The overall goal was to increase the tactical/positional play of Pox by reducing the ability for players to spam psuedo-range and positionally disruptive abilities. I do understand that DEP was fairly "classic" in terms of the way Demons played but it certainly wasn't "no reason." It was also reduced by 6 nora when this happened (used to be 12 nora).

    He used to have Unequippable and lost it at some point so this was more of a restoration of the old paradigm.

    What are the specific changes to their abilities that are a concern for you? I only remember Mischief changing from global.

    What changes are you referring to here? What do you think the theme needs to be better?

    Note also that I have this slated for next patch:

    Blood Bind
    • Enemy units within 3 spaces lose 6 HP. If the champions are <condition value=bloodied>Bloodied</condition>, they also become <condition value=paralyzed>Paralyzed</condition> for 2 turns. This unit vampiric heals 6 HP for each affected champion.(Nora: 6 / AP 4 / CD 3)
    • Right now it has HP loss and needs DMZ which is not even really a blood thing so this streamlines the ability and makes it more consistently useful

    What changed about Pres that made it so useless? Or are you just saying having it on a total of 3 UD champions is a problem for the faction as a whole? And sure, if you have ideas regarding this ability I am open to hearing them.

    Spot Manic is still Spot Manic.


    I don't think UD is particularly singled out for nerf calls in general. There are specific players who say stuff, but it's not like I go by the opinions of a single player to make my decisions.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    Tweek516 likes this.
  9. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    The point isnt to stop the nerfs but to make them reasonable

    its not ok to turn a unit from 2x auto to none at all
  10. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    As should be evident from reading the thread dice made, neither he or super had any success at all in getting nerfs made... it's just that the resulting (tangential) discussion by others brought up some issues that resonated with sok.
    mortal ix, Woffleet, Tweek516 and 3 others like this.
  11. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Avarice (UD) 40 Nora
    Equipped champion gains Gluttony and Manic. If equipped on a champion without Imp, it has -2 SPD.

    Initial Hotfix:
    Avarice (UD) 50 Nora (+10 nora)
    Equipped champion gains Gluttony and Manic. If equipped on a champion without Imp, it has -2 SPD.

    @Ralphen claimed that this was "lazy" (which, being a hotfix is kind of the point), and went from "hero to zero" though it was basically still auto

    Eventual Full Nerf:
    Avarice (UD) 35 Nora (-15 nora)
    Equipped champion gains Manic. If it does not have Race: Imp, it has -4 DMG and -1 SPD.

    Post Nerf Adjustment:
    Avarice (UD) 35 Nora
    Equipped champion gains Manic. If it does not have Race: Imp or Goblin, it has -4 DMG and -1 SPD.

    (Added Goblin to the subclause at special request)

    You can follow the discussions in the UD forums on this thread here:
    Gnomes likes this.
  12. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I am probably just nerfing Prep instead of Culler anyway :)
  13. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Re: Relocate: Demon/DEP, I could see a shift in this ability to a different paradigm that still gives the same idea at a lower CD, but it'd have to have some other drawback or component to it to justify the departure.
    nepyonisdead and xaznsoulx like this.
  14. RasielCZ

    RasielCZ I need me some PIE!

    Problem with blood theme is nerf of Blood magic to CD 3, the theme heavily relied on it and it is now no longer effective offensively.
    That left only arbiter with a relevant blood ability, but with nerf to hunter fury is mosly better.
    With current situation we would need some way to hurt our champs other than siphon so we could benefit form the heal factor of blood magic.
    xaznsoulx likes this.
  15. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Would you say that the +1 CD increase was more significant than the AP cost increase (+2)?

    Sidenote: The CD increase is in line with most other abilities (every faction has seen these types of abilities go up in CD and was not specifically a directed nerf at Blood).
  16. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    the key to UD is gap closers and all I ask is when one gap closer like ap gen / draging attack / draining and slowing champs etc is taken away or nerfed that they get a good gap closer in return
  17. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    What happens if one is added? For example, when Culler is added, should one be removed? Or are you saying that gap closers/debuffs should continually escalate in UD but never decrease?

    Or does adding a new one (without removing one) mean that I get one "free nerf" later since the nerf is pre-emptively compensated?
  18. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Anyway, in general, my nerfs are not intended to "kill" the runes, so if a particular nerf does result in that, do make a post about it so it can be discussed.
  19. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    Simply I was hoping that if for example you increased the cost of boundless by 10 nora ud give the champion +1 speed for the duration of the spell

    if you decreased the range of drain you also decrease its cost to something like 35 nora - 40

    if you remove preparation from culler u give him + 1 speed

    those arent finalised calls but that should be where the discussion starts
  20. RasielCZ

    RasielCZ I need me some PIE!

    yes, because to do any relevant damage with blood magic you needed magus + 1-2 other champs with blood magic, with CD 3 magus needs 10 charges for a double cast which is not really possible

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