League of Legends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Morfeas, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    I play a ton more League than I do Pox...but do not play ranked there either. You think the ragers are bad on this game? play LoL ranked matches, ugh!

    When they do buffs and nerfs they tend to be very incremental...and they back up their reasoning with their reasons for doing them. When they rework champs the champs change a lot, however when a champ is too strong, they will pick an ability and tweak it down 5-10%...An ability that did 500 damage might do 470...a Q that did was a bit too strong might get a 5% change.

    Pox does the opposite....if they decide to nerf something, it automatically gets Pariah, or a 30% nora cost increase. 20 damage champ gets nerfed down to 11...sorry minus 45% damage for u! When they decide to buff something, you get Dark Familiar and Corrupted Martyr and 6 champs with Keg Toss. Then there is never ever an explanation for why...became to prominent in meta, was too strong compared to similar abilities, oops we failed to notice Falconer and AA during playtesting, had an unintentional combo with something else, etc...something...anything other than 'Burnpyro used all 12 of his accounts and made threads QQing about it, Baskit aggreed with him, and MW says it is fine, so it MUST be OP!'
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    is you mad, beetch?
  3. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    If only i could have cho's babies
  4. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

  5. PurpleTop

    PurpleTop I need me some PIE!

    That fiora rework tho
  6. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

  7. Loyaute

    Loyaute I need me some PIE!

    Fiora still looks like a b**** ass.
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Firk fiora
  9. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    So yeah, they ended up surrendering............

  10. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    the other team had like full on dive. you had a pooped on gp, a lee and a vayne doing decent, and the nami who's going for spooky ghosts i guess? i dunno. then you didn't build for either straight nuke or real survivability against the sort of dive/damage the other team could put out (it's hard to without straight snowballing on a champ without real mobility).

    what i'm saying here is that when i imagine a teamfight between these two teams, i basically just see ali, j4, and shyv all jump into your team at once. one of them at least gets on you. you get popped, and most of your team's damage goes. if lee goes for their backline, azir peels. if lee peels instead, azir and jinx are practically untouched. either way, difficult. nami can't deal with all 3 divers unless they do stupid Bane Shift (possible). gp wanders around like a headless chicken (i don't expect much impact unless he gets a sick disengage ult). vayne looks like she's gonna do damage and then realizes her team got dropped, and tries to run.

    even if they're dumb and go for everyone but you first, your damage is probably enough to kill 2 of them before they get you (assuming things go well for you). they still get you

    i dunno. maybe i'm missing something.
  11. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Still should have played it out, something could have happened. They would have had the better team fight, but still. I think it was way to early to end.

    But the kids on League are all so jumpy they can't sit through a 40-50 minute game, has to be 20 or earlier.
  12. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    mm, whether or not to surrender is one of those things that's been debated for a while.

    in terms of just one game, in a vacuum, i'd agree. there's no reason to surrender. maybe their whole team disconnects or something, or maybe they have an unbelievably toxic guy that blows them up after a certain point. maybe they just throw, or maybe one guy on your team remembers what carrying feels like. who knows.

    in terms of multiple games, though, when you're playing or planning to play a bunch of games in a sitting, it gets trickier. people won't want to spend their time on something they feel is futile, especially if there's the time constraint for the activity. they may just want to move on to the next game before they get tilted and have to drop from the rest of their session or something.

    i dunno. also, saying it's just kids is untrue. ragers, flamers, ********, and the ADHD are prevalent amongst all ages.
  13. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Yeah, I know they are not actual kids. :rolleyes:
  14. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    I present to you, Attrition Sion. Build full damage and attack speed, push waves, Bane Shift on towers with passive, win game.


    And remember kids, towers > kills
  15. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    might stream some of our ranked 5's later and this weekend pox players on League.

    Team is usually something like, Moles, BurnPyro, DevilsRath, h0SPY, Taylor and danyoung also frencheyGOD (new to pox) and we also occasionally play with GnomesVT and killer9764

    Team is in Gold 5.

  16. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    that bm after the game

    noob team
    Pixyrus likes this.
  17. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    Agreed. I remember many games where an american had to come in and carry them with some rengar hype because they couldn't win on their own. :eek:
  18. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    yeah markoth played some slick games with us
    Karmavore and Dagda like this.
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I played a game of League last night for the first time in months.

    It was a Dominion game, of course :D
  20. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Did you play Taric?

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