Log in error and other weird bugs

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by CommissarEpic, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. CommissarEpic

    CommissarEpic New Member

    So ever since this update I have had weird issue after weird issue. Some have been downright rage inducing, like one where the nora war campaign against the snow deck, the one that spawns titan callers and inferior titans, I tried that one 6 times and have yet to beat it due to all 6 times my game either crashed, disconnected from the server, button for end turn would just cease to function and the worse one imo was when the end objective spawn just outright did not spawn!! Now I understand new client =new bugs but the fact that I literally spend more time looking at loading screens and attempting to trouble shoot then actually playing the game is rediculous, doubly so since I payed 20 bucks for stuff and find out half of it I cant even use because I got like 5 dupes of x card that has a deck limit of 2 and I cant even break it down for nora shards?! I wish I could get a refund but thats not a thing for games like these so I damn well expect you guys to fix your buggy ass client you broke so you could focus on consoles.

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