Looking for a deck

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Poxpoints, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Poxpoints

    Poxpoints I need me some PIE!

    With most posts about decks being fairly old or being experimental, I was wondering what KF is currently prevalent in the meta.

    Cost etc. don't matter, just a decklist of what is considered one of the best KF decks atm. Last I heard it was illusions, but there were some nerfs to it iirc?

    A brief explanation of the synergies would be nice too, I've been out of the game for a while.
    Any other information gameplay wise, or meta wise, feel free to share!

  2. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    If you want anything to do with adaptive, superchamps, or generally silly ideas I can help you.
    Otherwise, here's my most meta-like bg.


    Battle leader is strong, so there's 3 people with it.
    If you give a battle leader unit magic aura (mena) it will proc battle leader by killing the guy with it.
    Horn of k'thir is slightly less strong, so there's only 2 people with it.
    Seeing as it's a horn of k'thir thing, most champs are melee. To make up for this, most melee champs have a ranged attack.
    Cleansing emerald got nerfed, so angel+herbal is new cleanse. If you deploy angel before they deploy their guy, the debuffs get wiped before they actually do anything(i.e. dots do nothing to everything under angels aura if she was deployed before dot source)
    Inhibit power is really really good.
    I run dreambox because I hate FW. You might not
    No, tree spider is not bad, it's great.
    Fiorn + soften + horn of k'thir + charge = 40dmg in 1 hit.

    I often end up playing very phalanx heavy, and just sitting in a ball getting more and more dmg. So I bet it wouldn't harm to add more phalanx stuff.
  3. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Best BG in KF is probably rangers. Very expensive, high damage melee units. I'll post my BG and thoughts after work.

    Edit: best after illusions that is
  4. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    I can agree that rangers would be the next best deck after illusions. Can't be bothered to play right now though or else I'd be playing em too :eek:

    If you have grim then definitely play illusions as they are our best deck and also one of the best compared to the other factions :cool:
  5. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i think also magic amp is a really solid option.
  6. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!


    Here's my ranger bg. Seems really strong.

    Has incredible melee damage. Ranger elite, anaru (with flanking) and corgi ranger all boast good/very good damage.

    In true ranger fashion, so many champs in this bg have a pseudo ranged attack. Corgi ranger has 2, aurora inspector 1, ranger elite 1, and vashal ranger and anaru kind do through pounce.

    Pet champs op, that's why 2x vashal ranger. Also means youre running 3x detect 3 and 3x shatter champs - which can be useful. Oh, and you run a lot of beasts, meaning seal is actually really useful.

    Aurora investigator I put in because I found I was lacking magic damage and ranged damage. The clues work great with all the melee focused elves/fae (corgi ranger, elites etc)

    Centaur commander is crazy late game. Brilliant target for centaur banner.

    Testing lost grimoire in it (was running 2x elite blade before). Switched to archers before I had finished with my testing, but seemed okay.

    Snake charmers make this bg. They're crazy good. I run 1 with cama and 1 with boost, and both with heal champ 2. I find that 1 is too ap intensive, whereas with 3 you often have a lot of ap spare. Obviously, a brilliant target for horn of order. I very rarely equip it to anything else (most of the time horn isn't worth it if you only use it for 1 turn).

    Swiftwind is a flex spot, but ap gen is nice in such a melee focused bg.

    Be careful with thorn collection and nora link on regulator.

    Not sure what else tbh, hit me up if you have any issues/questions.
    MaruXV likes this.

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