Mid-late game decks

Discussion in 'Training Grounds and Game Guides' started by vitor, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. vitor

    vitor The King of Potatoes

    Hey there!
    I would like some tips on which are some of the decks that shine on mid-late game. Skellys are awesome for me, but I would like to know some others that are strong and fun to play ( maybe ironfist?)
  2. KPIC

    KPIC Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Magic Amplify decks in KF are strong in mid to late games.
  3. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    Ironfist has a good thing going for it right now. Constructs are a very solid theme with great tank units in stone colossus and gribble rock eater, they have great support champs with tinkerer, engineer, and that other guy that makes things tough and summons a groble.

    It continues to have decent slots in theme for ranged and beaters as well. The spell set with repair, tails of valor, blink and strip armor make for some great answers

    Nora generation with deep miners and a mine also helps, and of course, vial and flag equip with the scaling health/damage thing.

    Also, splitting fw with is can make for some very strong combos.

    Also late game ascended staff zeventech clops bg can be pretty epic.
  4. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    I was going to suggest constructs as well. Kind of linear to play, but it definitely is a unique playstyle. You can basically have manic on your front lines at all times, I'd highly recommend a rugolth's revenge, 2 silverclan protectors (rocket dogs), 2 rock eaters, and a groble dervish. A lot of people don't care for the Revenge or the Dervish, but he's a quick 9 speed champ that really can output a lot of damage, and is unbeatable in a cosntruct deck for early font grabbing. The Revenge is pretty pricey, and a tempo hit, but he makes a perfect target for tactical manual. Stunning is great for disrupting enemy lines as well and helping push through while keeping you alive. Make SURE you get your build em' tough spread out among any and all units you expect to be taking damage. If you prefer a little more range than the protectors, you can run a Dwarven Mortar crew, who will benefit from boost construct and superior tinkering. I don't run the turret team myself, but I love rocket dogs and DMC. The rocket dogs have 19 damage with banner, boost, protective procced, and the cheap channel damage upgrade is handy if you need a slight boost to damage to finish off a target. (I wouldn't use it more than 2 or 3 times tops in a turn unless you REALLY need something dead.)

    Another theme I can recommend is IS Paladins. The Northern Cross units are all easy to acquire, except the cardinals, and master axemen, Talgar, and Euan are all paladins that will flesh it out. It's a very melee-based tanky group, but once you get a few out, they will never die. Also, the Militia have antagonize which costs 0 ap, so it's pretty cool to tag a high damage enemy with them and run off with it, and block it off with your other units making it essentially useless. Euan and cardinals can spam hallowed ground, which is an insta 8 heal and cleanse to your units, happening AGAIN at the beginning of your next turn, so that's awesome. Once you get a few paladins out, they are super tough to kill. Also, the northern cross fanatic is really cheap, and with pounce and cleave, she makes a GREAT target for Might of Ironfist, a spot DPS boost and an AoE pummel is awesome!

    Hope this post helped! Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.

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