monks both FF and ST/FS

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by calisk, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    so I tried to make it work I thought it had a really good base line of units and spells...but they lack in far too many ways currently.

    first off they are terrible on maps that need to split their forces, far too much focus on needing to be in close proximity to other units of it's class.

    second the costs on all the monks are too high, which is not to say they aren't worth their costs, but their is no low cost options in monks that are worth a damn, your only sub 62 nora( the double deploy going second line ) options is paragon and he's terrible.

    they lack decent magic options, in a meta where 1 in 6 games is spirits and they are deploying 33 nora invisible incorporeal magic is a relevant consideration and monks don't have amazing units in this department.

    lack of range options, in FF I was on the merge of using a mind striker or disciple they were that hard up for range with some decent stopping st/fs at least you have augur who is quite amazing.

    anyway I honestly could play them more but the early results were miserable, simple situations that a ff st theme deck can usually handle with ease monks stumble on.

    that's not to say monks are without strengthes because they have some incredibly good strong points that I hope get built upon in the future, and I think if I wanted to lose another 100 games I might be able to squeek a mid tier -upper tier deck out of monks but honestly it's not worth it since it has too many limitations holding it up, that imo are near impossible to over come in the current fw driven meta.
  2. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!


    This was my FF monk deck. Definitely had some issues, especially when forced to split up, but was still pretty good at picking up kills with silent master resets and furry hat. Mid-tier at best, but at least it has some magic damage on chirai anchorites (who like furry hats).

    split monks.jpg
    This is the best monk deck I've been able to put together. Augurs are honestly disgusting with leaf on the wind (CA2), silent master resets and summon ice block. Calm as raging tides, frostfall heritage and yeti painter are my least-deployed runes.

    I found that putting in some non-monks really helped round out the deck. Ferren runner hands out bubbles like candy with cd resets. I run his cheap build with CA instead of trickster because he spends all his ap on bubbles. Timothy provides knockback walls with his physical-resistant summons, and can single-handedly snowball games. Painter is less important. He's basically in there to be another ranged champ with augment creation.

    If I had a second swift current and a K'ento i'd probably put them in instead of Calm as raging tides and painter.

    Cool tech:
    defensive strike from iceguard bracers to give timothy, silent masters, augurs a 0 ap attack.
    ice block + gale force + sonicburst does 51 damage to a single target
    forced reconstitution is a surprise sacrifice that summons a monk
    Dolcebrodude likes this.

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