movement problem: 2 units moving at the same time

Discussion in 'New Pox Nora Client Beta Bugs' started by Hierokliff, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    if i move one unit and then "very fast" click another unit and move it, it shows pathingway right then it walk like if it was the first units movement to the square i tried to walk to. so instead of go east+south it walked north+east.
    testing in single player and its consistant problem with selecting a unit while the first unit is still walking and getting the second unit to move "at the same time"
    Kampel likes this.
  2. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    Still a silly annoying problem. If i send unit A 10 squares walking, while it is walking iam selecting unit B and sending it away, it gets real messy on how it is supposed to walk.
    trying to show it in a movieclip

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