Moving out

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Cydna, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Just out of curiosity, when did you move out and why?

    The reason i'm asking is because i'm thinking about moving out soon, but not too sure on if I should.
  2. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    If you're financially capable of moving out, do it. It's well worth the time if you're like me and prize independence and freedom. Plus I'm kinda anti-social so living with other people has never been for me. I moved out the very second I was able to.
  3. Firk

    Firk I need me some PIE!

    i was trying to think of somthing here, but move out if you can support yourself. I have no idea this is hard. I actually bought my own place in august last year. I want to move in with a wife tho
  4. 19madfox95

    19madfox95 I need me some PIE!

    Really am planning to move out from parents' place, finally, 21 years old and I think it is about time when I graduate my Bachelor. No clue where and when and how and hopefully don't have to go to mandatory army so I wouldn't have to (in my opinion) waste a year or so from my life and can actually move in with my girlfriend and start advancing the way I wish to in my life. Did have a plan to go to Denmark and show my lass that gorgeous place in summer, and live there like a month or so and work at the same time, but probably not going to happen, should at least get money for plane tickets first...
  5. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I moved out at 18 for military training, returned home a year later for 2 months. Then I moved out again for college and moved back 2 years later. I moved out for the last time when I was 22.

    I'd stay at home as long as your parents will let you, or until you start a career after college/trade school. Pay off as much education as possible or save money for a house. 24 seems as old as I would stick around.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    In a few weeks, when I move to the Netherlands (got a job offer there).

    dunno, i don't mind saving up cashes while staying at home for a bit, life is difficult enough as an adult, I don't see why I would make it harder for myself
  7. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    So pretty much from the replies I've gotten so far i've decided to stay with my parents for at least another year. I just turned 20 and my job doesn't pay that much, but even when I move out my only bills will be rent, utilities, groceries and gas.

    My parents are annoying, but that's because they don't act like parents anymore. I guess i'll try to tolerate it longer cuz money.
  8. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Like what are they acting, then?
    Etherielin likes this.
  9. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    20 went to explore the world. Moved back home years later when I ran out of money. Finished 3 years of school. My dad got cancer when I was getting ready to move out again and then he died. I decided to stay and help my mom with bills, yard work, and emotional support. Changed careers and decided I want to get into HVAC. Life story.
  10. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    I don't really know. The best way is to describe how they are acting. They've been fighting a lot so they don't communicate. Usually to figure out the plans, I have to talk to both of my parents. Usually it goes like "Okay ask your mom" from my dad and "I don't care it's up to your dad" (my mom is usually mad at my dad). They don't really cook anymore, so i'm eating out or making my own food which I don't mind, but it's annoying that they're not being parents when my little brother is only 16.

    Pretty much I get stressed out because it feels like i'm moved out, dealing with annoying roommates, but I don't have all the freedoms that come with it... or the bills.
  11. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Oops. Strongly hope that your parents get over themselves, I hate family drama with a passion. All the best in that regard.
  12. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Problem is jobs are paying less, school is more expensive, and fewer jobs. Was reading something not long ago saying basically salaries haven't increased much in 30 or so years but cost of living and college has nearly doubled and in some aspects tripled.

    Save your money, be a good big brother, family Bane Shift sucks, I had a very similar experience growing up.

    Wait as long as you can man and save that money get 2 jobs if necessary and just keep saving.
    SPiEkY and BurnPyro like this.
  13. Gaverion

    Gaverion I need me some PIE!

    Pretty much agree, stay as long as you can. That said things can come to a point you can't tolerate it anymore. If that happens a few money saving tips:

    1. Budget. There are few things more expensive than not having enough money. Plan ahead, only do what you can afford.

    2. Quit smoking and drinking
    These are both huge non mandatory expenses, can be hard to give up but way worth from a budget perspective.

    3. Pay attention to the food you buy. Avoid snack food and focus on cost effective meals. It may not be luxurious but from experience you can live off less than $25 a week worth of food.

    4. Budget for the unexpected. Going back to point 1 cars break down, medical expenses happen, lot's of expensive things pop up. Each person has their own number but personally I would not want less than 2 grand in my account. If your car breaks down and you can pay for it that is where it ends. If you have nothing in the bank suddenly you are trying to get a loan you can't afford. This can lead to a dangerous spiral.

    5. If you have a significant other let them know you need to budget. Yes it is important to have fun, that doesn't have to mean ordering out every week.

    6. Stay healthy and have a reliable car. These can be hard but to the best of your ability do so. Getting sick means losing wages, car repair means rental expenses or lost wages. On a tight budget these are the common big troubles.

    7. Avoid unnecessary recurring expenses. They always seem small but add up a lot quicker than you expect. A big one is the phone. Yes you need a phone but you can live with the minimum plan I guarantee it. Cable is another that is not needed but people seem to think is mandatory.

    8. If possible rent with utilities included. This can help a lot with budgeting on limited funds.

    I am sure I have some other thoughts on this if interested. A lot of this comes from experience, I moved out making barely more than minimum wage due to necessity and never required the aide of any programs government or otherwise. I also work at a credit union now and see a lot of people who get this wrong.
    super71 likes this.
  14. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    18, USMC, 1997
    super71 likes this.
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Baskit confirmed 37.

    Also what is USMC (military service)?
  16. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    US Marine Corps, a bunch of screaming losers.
  17. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Yessir, United States Marine Corps.
    super71 likes this.
  18. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    If you got the money and want out -- that's pretty much when. I'm lucky enough to have money of my own at this point, and have committed to not moving back home after college is out. It's going to be up to you though, how much it is going to cost you versus how much you want to be more on your own.
  19. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    My little brother moved out of my parents last year and joined the United States Air Force, never been prouder. Now is finally on base in New Mexico and loves it.

    Thanks for serving
    Baskitkase likes this.

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