My first attempt at Illustration

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by badgerale, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    I never knew underwater light was this complicated, I have spent the last 30 minutes looking at underwater pictures to try to understand.
    The light dome in your painting seem to indeed indicate the lightsource is slightly behind the goblin.
    I can't find a picture of what the surface looks like underwater when the sun is behind the viewer.
  2. Dwlr

    Dwlr I need me some PIE!

    As you have it drawn the lightsource is behind him in the center shining through the water so the outer edges should be lit more, but due to water distortion you should have the water texture reflected on the gob.

    It's also safe to assume that goblin skin behaves much like human skin in that light reflections aren't necessarily the same color of the light they are reflecting for instance on a human a blue light most certainly reflects, but there are tinges of purple along the edge of the reflection before the shadow, I've not seen many runes go THAT far into detail though so it's probably a safe bet nobody notices or cares about the subtleties of 'real life'.

    *For those kiddies who want to try it at home and see how oddly skin behaves take a blue piece of plastic wrap shine and flashlight through it onto you skin the center portion will be a tealish blue then around that you have the navy that will be close to the color of the plastic you are shining it through and then outside that it will be a blue-violet, which I'd explain away as the light shining through layers of the dermis turning it redder and thus mixing with the blue making it a violet. Same reason why white light shined through you hand appears red as it goes through your skin obviously.*

    **On this guy depending on what color blood he has that'd affect what your outlying light color differences are and you have to make sure to mix the green in on the initial light reflection so a white light on him should appear slightly yellow if you met him in person I'd wager at least. *Teal light from being underwater, getting bluer and weaker as you go down*
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
    Qucas and soulmilk like this.
  3. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I've done a bit more work on this (I haven't had a lot of time lately) and i think it is getting near finished. I don't like the lilly pads and they are next to be reworked.

    (edited the original post with the current version)

    As before, criticism is more than welcome. I'm interested in how far off pox quality it is.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2015
    Qucas, Anima26 and soulmilk like this.
  4. Dwlr

    Dwlr I need me some PIE!

    Aspects are in live, but as a whole there are several things that don't mesh. Mostly the background doesn't look to be in the same style as if 2 different people collaborated on it, the character itself and the extras have much more detail than the background which is muted and significantly less detailed comparatively. The eyes don't share the same detail as the character either which creates a disconnect inside the character itself. The physics of the image is off as well, a net will sway with the current it looks like it's completely flat, it's also rather small and in general just doesn't fit for me. There's still the lighting issues as well.
    badgerale likes this.
  5. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Great feedback, thanks.
  6. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    updated first post with a new version.
  7. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Really cool. Fishes eye is too white.

    Also, his pose is a little bit contradiction as both of those weapons get thrown it seems like one would be raised behind the ear. Instead his arms are a but tangled.

    It's very well done though, your color scheme is beautiful and makes me wonder what the rest of the area looks like.
  8. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Thanks for the feedback.

    The pose is a bit weird because he was originally meant to have a bag with fish in it rather than a net, which i guess i could change it back to, it depends how weird it looks right now (it gets hard to judge when I've looked at the image so much).

    Good call on the fish eye, i'll fix that.
  9. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I feel like the spear has too many prongs, I'd bring it down to 3-5. Other than that and the white of the fish's eye, it looks great.
    badgerale likes this.
  10. Jimmie1982

    Jimmie1982 I need me some PIE!

    Nice! You're a natural lol. Took me a few years and some college illustration courses to get it. I'm still not the best at fantasy art, but I'm getting better. My portraits and realism is on point now though. Of course I've always loved doing that. Some of my best to date has been pencil portraits.
  11. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Thanks, though it was a lot of hours into one piece, and i've studied traditional art, so not quite as impressive.

    I keep meaning to start another, but the starting is always the hardest bit when you're as lazy as me.
    soulmilk and Jimmie1982 like this.
  12. Jimmie1982

    Jimmie1982 I need me some PIE!

    I was never that great at painting, so digital was tough at first. Now it's preferred lol.
  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    that's a pretty bad illusion, it didn't look like it was moving at all

    now this is an illusion:

    you can tell because parts of it stop shaking when you use an object like your finger to add a reference point.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I think someone spiked my food. Send help. Having an acid trip.
    soulmilk likes this.

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