Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by LeMuerte, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. LeMuerte

    LeMuerte Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. I'm playing this game for a long time.

    For sure, a new way to think the game its about new strategies, like KF bonus works well in a FF, but lack s in splited. And donĀ“t know what to do, nerf, buff, etc... Why not rethink and bring new options like...

    Sapaleh have his bonus, and its Faction Bonus... Imagine, a new idol, avatar, like: De'lim worships a flame powered hardwood avatar, tha brings power for their cause... and they are not so concearned about SPEED like the KF original faction. They are after flmae power. And together, creating an alliance with UD faction, for treason, and take over the Forest to thenselves... I can imagine a all new expansion with new alliances, forming and bringing up new powers and combinations.

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