New Savage Tundra Player Council Nominations

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by Senshu, Jul 31, 2014.

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  1. Qucas

    Qucas Guest

  2. Beasts for life

    Beasts for life I need me some PIE!

    Yes nokahdo is extremely op right now. If you can get a 60 nora unit in a font with 10 ap thats 5 attacks that will miss. So there is no 1v1 scenarios vs nokhando. Oh and dont forget another 3 attacks with snow shroud.
  3. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Friendly and helpful.
    I know hes not good at the game, and that afects his notion on balance, but the lead dev, kf representative and others are clueless as well so it doesnt matter.
  4. Makorov

    Makorov I need me some PIE!

    btw, who is the new KF rep?
  5. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

  6. SirGil

    SirGil New Member

  7. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    It has been xirone, who lacks balance skills. I dont think it hás changed yet hospy
  8. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    I vote for Entrepidus! I wants dat t-shirt!

    On Topic: I agree that Goyo is more objective/reasonable than the average bear, but his ideas tend to be complex in terms of implementation. I'd support him if he ends up being "the dude," but I strongly encourage him to work on distilling the ST feedback he and others create into concise ideas that are relatively simple to apply. In other words, he might not be the best person for generating ideas, but he'd be an excellent liaison for ST.
    Goyo likes this.
  9. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I can only say thanks to those who vote for me even when I'm not experienced at all...

    I'd like to be the voice of ST since I'm very active in the forum. I'd compilate the major issues as I've been doing now and would try to get more information about what's on Gedden's mind concerning our faction since it's a big mistery for most of us.

    Although my understanding of the game is very limited compared to an old player, I'd need to constantly chat with the community to make important decisions. I don't see a problem with that but some may preffer otherwise.

    GL Lushi ;)
  10. Beasts for life

    Beasts for life I need me some PIE!

    Well if anyone wants to nominate me my in game name is oxinsanexo. I main ST and am #26 on leaderboard. Ive been quite active on the forums lately and feel I understand ST more than most.
  11. Karmavore


    Lush, since h0spy is a laughable consideration.
  12. HannibalFee

    HannibalFee Devotee of the Blood Owl

  13. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    Voting for hospy because i've never even heard of the other 2 guys people are voting for and that's not a good sign
  14. theKraken

    theKraken I need me some PIE!

  15. fanman555

    fanman555 The King of Potatoes

  16. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    That's weird because I remember talking to you in the forums, and in game on the very few times you've been there, and I'm there all the time. And I'm sure that any player who went to the ST forums once this year knows Goyo.
  17. Garr123

    Garr123 I need me some PIE!

  18. zeya231

    zeya231 The King of Potatoes

    LUSHIRIS! sure !!!!
  19. anahuac1

    anahuac1 The King of Potatoes

    I vote for lushiris, not only cuz he is on my guild but because he is actually one of the players tht have been with pox since octopi trying to make the game better.
  20. HandOfTheKing

    HandOfTheKing Devotee of the Blood Owl

    H0spy ! ( same username in game and forums )
    he will do ST right
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