Newest Oxfam study: The top 8 people.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ohmin, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    it is easier if you just write:

    15% of russians died in WW2.

    but the vid is cooler (but only count military)
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
    BurnPyro likes this.
  2. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    Anti semitic? Why? For pointing out facts? I guess facts are anti semitic now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, I feel like I am repeating myself here but obviously not all the jews in the world are working together. I just feel like I need to mention their ethnicity because saying a jew was behind something is such a taboo apparently. Holy Bane Shift Hitler killed jews in WW2 yes. Does this mean pointing out some jews were behind the revolution is anti-semitic? Everything is anti-semitic apparently. Just like Gunther Grass was called antisemitic when he criticised Germany's sale of nuclear capable submarines to Israel. Your racism allegations are absolutely meaningless to me.

    Secondly, I love how you changed ''bolsheviks'' to ''USSR''. When I never mentioned the USSR in my posts, just the revolution. I mean holy Bane Shift you even went straight to Stalin and WW2 when things I described had no relation to these two. Besides, Czarist Russia was not lagging in technology. They had their own car brands and a plane brand in 1916. They were definitely on par with the rest of the world. What you are describing happened way later in the 20's and 30's. Not to mention almost the majority of factories and plants during the inudstrialization were built by western companies with western money. Which was also one of the reasons for the revolution. Destroy russian manufactoring and bring in your people and make tons of money. It's the same they did with Yugoslavia in 1990. We produced our own cars, and well... basically our own everything. After the collapse the wast majority of brands died out, while my countries corrupt politicians are selling off former national property to private corporations. Meanwhile I am reading the interview with the American foreign minister here in a newspaper and he says literally this: ''Slovenia did good privatizing as it did, but I feel still more privatization is needed.'' Firk you. And I come from Slovenia not America. I am a fan of Russia in all periods. Not a fan of the bolsheviks though. And even if everything positive you said about the USSR can be contributed to Lenin and Trotsky and Warburg and Schiff and their terrorist army (it can't) this still doesn't excuse the fact the bolsheviks murdered millions of innocent russians.
  3. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Slovenian, that explains a lot.
  4. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    dun be like that
    SPiEkY likes this.
  5. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I'm just saying he is a slovenian, I am merely mentioning facts here :p
  6. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    I am sorry guys. I am sick and had a ton of work to do this week. I completely derailed this thread with off-topic stuff just to get a reaction from people.
  7. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    apologizing ruins the game
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    we can only tell that to ragic, and even then people gave me heat

    also, how about Rich people actually pay equal % of tax FOR SURE (without loopholes) as everyone else? problem solved
    Ohmin likes this.
  9. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Boozha and Astamir like this.
  10. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I think it will be okay if we do not

    but still do the other 7.
    darklord48 and BurnPyro like this.
  11. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    After you, I promise I'll do it.

    @Sokolov Communist and bolshevik revolution are the same thing. I was clearly talking about the revolution not the actual communist regime of Stalin started in the mid 20's. Although it is true I changed the subject first like I already said and apologized for.
  12. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Let's not promote suicide, yeah?

  13. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    While that would definitely help and be a very welcome step forward, I don't think it would actually "solve the problem" of growing mass inequality. I know there was a thread about "the high cost of being poor." While I didn't read through all of it, I'm sure at least some of the issues mentioned were about debt, and the relative difficulty of being able to grow financially without accumulating at least some debt, and that's not taking into account emergencies which often enough insurance (if they even have it) won't cover. And that's mostly from a perspective of developed nations.

    Many of the most impoverished regions don't have access to buy tools or education (let alone have a market to sell their education to employers) to properly grow their fortune (buying even just a bicycle after saving up for years can be a huge change for some people, enabling them to more quickly and efficiently take their goods to market, or get to work easier and have more free time). Some of this is due to IMF shenanigans, and "Free Trade" treaties that represent a one-sided mercantilism more than anything else, but a lot of it is simply a lacking infrastructure that's never been built up and developed.

    It takes more than proper tax law to solve these kinds of issues.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
    Astamir likes this.
  14. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Or access to clean drinking water, shoutout to my homies in Flint, Michigan.
    Ohmin likes this.
  15. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty


    and beating people on ice.

    Can't do tax, can't do murder. You are asking the impossible!

    thanks Ben.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017

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