Not Matching In Ranked

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by doubtofbuddha, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    I am spending 10+ minutes in the queue, with players getting matched up all around me. Was able to do matching this morning. Not sure what changed.
  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hmm, you may have entered queue right wen the ratings were reset and that left you in the queue with your old rating not your new rating so nobody was close to you in comparison.
  3. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    My rating has not reset.
  4. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hmm, that is odd. We will have to look into what may have caused this.

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