PC4 Patch Suggestion Thread

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by badgerale, Aug 23, 2014.


    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    That is a lose interpretation as Def also reduces damage from abilities that are not considered attacks. It direction that's that if is health goes down then it will be reduced. However prevamp if life was "losed" then there was no way to prevent it. It needs to be rephrased to correctly state its intended meaning. I have already made a post to Senshu about it. Seeing if the new era of pox will make LoL be reduced by defense.
  2. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    It's WAI. Isn't considered damage, that's right in the sense LoL isn't a type damage, but is still based on the damage attribute from the attacking champion, and said valued is applied after accounting for target's defense.

    Champion attacks > client compares substratcs defence from damage > applies damage left to target > substitutes "type damage" with "lol" > Target loses life.

    Hence, if a champion with LoL and 10 dmg attacks a champion with 2 def, the damage dealt would be 8 lol. Perfectly WAI.

    Soulstrike is a completely different beast. Soulstrike is an ability more similar to DoT's than LoL, and only procs after an attack have been resolved as "successful", disregarding how much damage was dealt. Heck, soulstrike can affect units with immunities, but it won't work against dodge or block.
  3. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Without attempting to be rude, but that's a load of bull carp. Isn't about how do you interpret the wording, but how is working in game, and currently defence reduces LoL. No "if" or "but" or "maybe", is how things are, have been and (probably) will be.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I in no way refered it to Soulstrike. Prevamp LoL was counted a lose of life so the dmg could not be prevented as it was not considered dmg. If it is now considered dmg, then it is wai.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Just because something is happening in game, doesn't mean that it is wai. The ones that aren't are called bugs. ;) If it is indeed a bug then the wording is off.
  6. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Ugh, buddy, it have been working like for the last couple years, we even had a sticky on the FW forums explaining that. There isn't a bug anywhere, if anything you can made a case about the wording, but apparently the only person here who thinks LoL shouldn't be affected by DEF is you, as the rest of the people still think / know LoL is reduced by DEF.

    Seriously, someone here remembers the corrupted cultist ignoring target's defence? At any point on the UD history? Anyone?
  7. theKraken

    theKraken I need me some PIE!

    Anyway lets save this for another thread and not derail this one anymore then we already have. aka agree to disagree =b (probably should have quoted raid there)

    Back to the original topic good change for nightblade/ septer of onus?

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Before the revamp it did ignore defense. If it is not going to ignore defense anymore then it defeats the original purpose for LoL as a way to bypass defense and immunities. I am not complaining as I really don't care either way. However if "they" are going to change a game mechanic then it needs to be formally stated.

    If it's wai then I have no argument and the conversation is over you were right. However if it is indeed a wording error that made a bug look intended then it needs to be fixed. Either way I am identifying how the game mechanic currently should work.
  9. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    I guess I'm misremembering the effects of soulreave. My bad I guess.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I might be as well. XD

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    @theKraken Firemaw gets Lava Born. Tunnel Lava from Path 1 removed. Thoughts?
  12. theKraken

    theKraken I need me some PIE!

    love it tunnel does nothing for him, egg could maybe use a rework as well.
  13. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    The egg needs immunity: fire or Lavawalker.
    It currently dies immediately if he has Death Nova: Lava.
  14. theKraken

    theKraken I need me some PIE!

    Its just takes a really dumb opponent to let firemaw respawn, barring you move him away if he's going to die from a dot

    How much hp does the egg have?10right?

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    If I remember correctly yes. 10hp.
  16. theKraken

    theKraken I need me some PIE!

    Rework maws upgrades.

    The egg cost 20 nora so what if it had 15 hp, amplify fire, fire aura 3, reveir firemaw,
    And ability cost goes to 15

    Maw then could gain immortal base instead of an iffy egg spawn

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    How about we make it a separate rune. Boost cost to 45, and make it an indirect Phylactery Bound champ.
  18. theKraken

    theKraken I need me some PIE!

    Only issue is new code, my suggestion uses all old abilities

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

  20. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    How about we make it 20 hp, but instead of spawning firemaw full hp give him the percentage of health remaining on the egg.

    Oh for the record, LoL has always been reduced by defense. This isn't even arguably an issue. It's how it's always worked which is exactly how it's described to work.

    For some reason you guys thought otherwise, I'd just say play more, or at least test things before arguing them.

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