Planeskip / Flashback

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by allyorbase, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    This idea is for a Spell and an Ability, which both achieve a similar effect.

    Gist: Return a unit to its position after the current round ends.

    I've been thinking about an effect that plays with both positioning and the player's sense of certainty (e.g. "I've successfully retreated -- phew!"). Of course, there is a lot of synergy around gas clouds and such, as well as Energy Thief and delayed effects like Volcanic Burst. The effect can be offensive or defensive, and offers a reward for friendly use, as the offensive use is arguably more game-changing.

    Faction: Forglar Swamp
    Cost: 45
    Flavor Text: Foggurt was certain he'd been here before. Of course, last time, the cavern was a little less... Boghoppery...
    Art: An adorably hapless Moga scout is surrounded by a horde of unruly-type Boghoppers, wielding cudgels and grimaces.

    Effect: At the beginning of your next turn, target champion is relocated back to the space it occupied when this spell was cast (or the nearest unoccupied space). If the champion is no longer in play or may not be relocated, this effect ends. If cast on a friendly champion, you are refunded 10 nora and this spell's cooldown is reduced by 3. This effect is hidden.

    Theme: Most likely found on fragile telepathic/plane-bending units -- champions with Attack: Psychic and Teleport, etc.
    AP: 0; CD: 4

    Effect: Target a champion within 3 spaces. At the beginning of your next turn, that champion is relocated back to the space it occupied when this ability was activated (or the nearest unoccupied space). If the champion is no longer in play or may not be relocated, the effect ends. If this ability targets a friendly champion, its cooldown is reduced by 1. This effect is hidden.

    Of note, but not in wording: This effect doesn't stack (obviously). Champions can't be returned to chasms.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    Woffleet likes this.
  2. Gedden

    Gedden Administrator Octopi

    I get the meaning from your theme up top, however the text "champion is relocated to the nearest unoccupied space to its current position" confuses me a bit -- In most cases this would be one of the 4 adjacent spaces no?

    Do you mean "Champion is relocated to the nearest it had last turn"?
  3. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    I think that the idea is that you relocate to where you were when you used the ability/cast the spell.
  4. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Correct. The destination space is the one the target was occupying at time of casting. I will reword the OP, which was a hot mess of confusion (admittedly).
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
  5. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    This feels like a really neat mechanic.

    I assume this is a normal relocation effect, affected by anything that prevents them and such; it would be neat to somehow give your rune Earthbound so your opponent couldn't flashback them (a use for Wind Generator maybe?)
  6. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    is this supposed to be like a anti-blink spells?
  7. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    It's essentially an 'undo' on the unit's movement.

    My turn, I cast it on your Goblin Brute. The spell sees that your Brute is on spot X.
    Your turn, you move your Goblin Brute 4 spaces toward my Turtle Rider.
    My turn, your Goblin Brute is relocated back to spot X.

    Of course, this can be offensive or defensive, as well as being viable for both friendly and opposing targets.

    If the unit leaves play before the relocation occurs, of course, the effect ends.
    Woffleet likes this.

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