Poxinomics- Forgable legendaries

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chickenpox2, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    lol it went off long ago and i din't bother cause there no way for me to steer it back
  2. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    This is a straw man argument through and through.

    I'll reply anyways, but it's important you understand that you're currently arguing with yourself rather than addressing my point. I didn't claim that the accessibility of Legendaries was the problem to end all Pox problems. Regarding the issues you referenced:
    1. Bugs will always exist in every game.
    2. I refuse to believe you haven't noticed I actively pushing for changes to themes in all factions. Clearly I agree there is room for improvement so why mention this at all?
    3. Marketing will do more harm than good right now. There was a time visibility was desirable, but we should hide under a rock until we've sorted out more of our core problems.
    4. If you believe this community is abnormally harsh/elitist, you don't play/participate in enough gaming communities. The average intelligence around here is higher given the requirements to play Pox. See any MOBA, Blizzard game, FPS game, etc for far worse than what you find here.
    5. Tutorials? Why bother? Pox is in flux and about to receive a UI facelift. Whenever Pox reaches a plateau, most vets are willing to create tutorials, tutor new players and/or give away runes. This includes many of the players you would consider abnormally harsh and elitist. Meanwhile, many players happily answer questions and provide BG feedback.
    As for Hearthstone, I've already played it and moved on. If you enjoy it, that's great, but many would disagree that it's the "poster child for how amazing a F2P game cane be." I certainly didn't consider it amazing when I played still don't.

    Not everyone considers Hearthstone the consummate F2P game. Even a cursory google search reveals plenty of articles, reddit posts and forum threads raising similar points. In the end, most agree that Hearthstone is F2P, but it is also P2W. Sure, you can win games as a F2P player, but per your own words, if you want to win more, you need to pay for better cards to spend a lot of time grinding.

    You've just described a P2W system.

    You play for free, but your ability to compete at the higher levels is not insignificantly influenced by how much you're willing to pay. The amount of RNG involved in nearly every aspect of the game caters to a P2W environment in that you can mitigate the painful swings of RNG by having better cards on average than a F2P opponent.

    I'll take your approach: so what?

    Why should anyone respect the work you put in to acquire this rune? Some players snagged one from drafts; others traded spare runes. Just because you chose to grind for one doesn't mean everyone else did nor does it mean it's reasonable to expect others to continue doing it. I don't agree that obtaining runes to build a BG should take (hard) work. I'd much rather players easily build whatever BG they want and "work toward something special" with it like a top rank.

    How is that unreasonable?
  3. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Omg no durnt terch mer roonz.

    Freh pluyars nuu ghety mah roonz
  4. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    Another thing people need to consider is that due to the fact that new people coming in will have virtually no access to limited runes, they will inevitabley end up being forced to rerelease most if not all of them. Of course assuming the steam release gets the influx of players they are hoping

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