Preview: Pack Updates

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Nov 19, 2016.

  1. Whiris

    Whiris The King of Potatoes

    Merely curious as to how much gold you have saved up. So I can be jelly.
  2. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    Name: Extended Set Pack (Protectorate)
    Cost: 1000 G OR 100 O
    Contents: 1 FREE R, 2 FREE UC, 2 FREE C (FREE Protectorate Runes only) + 1 FREE Platinum Token (R slot has FREE 10% chance of being a FREE EX or FREE LEG)
    FREE Description: Contains 1 FREE Rare, 2 FREE Uncommons and 2 FREE Commons, with a FREE 10% chance of the FREE Rare being upgraded to a FREE Exotic or FREE Legendary. Comes with a FREE FREE Platinum token.
  3. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    Qucas and Netherzen like this.
  4. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    Nice changes, Sok. It will especially help new players target in on a faction they prefer a bit easier.
    My only recommendation would maybe to increase the commons from 2 to perhaps 3-4. With only 2 per pack, commons will be as rare as uncommons.
    Also, now that you have your base packs situated, now bring the BIG, SPECIAL one-time buys or "intro" sales to really help new players get into this game and we are set, Papa!
    And, don't forget to add a "loyalty" sale for the people who are level 99! ;)
    Qucas, SPiEkY and guokamoli54 like this.
  5. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Kudos to you @Sokolov and the rest of the owls on listening to your player base about implementing protectorate/wraith packs.
    IronStylus likes this.
  6. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    So, will I no longer be able to spend 20$ for the 1 exo deal? That was kind of the sweet spot for me, shame to see that go/
  7. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    also, might be better to allow us to pick 4 or 5 clans which want our packs from. Urban-Rivals does that, and it is kind of a good business model to consider.
    Valkyr and super71 like this.
  8. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    They plan to have it so after x (I assume 10) number of packs without an exo, you get one guaranteed (like hearthstone). So this will be something like $15 for a guaranteed exo I believe.
  9. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Thats cool and all, but I'll still be losing out on shards, making the deal less enticing. From my perspective (and not everyone may shop like me) I'm willing to buy about 1 box per season, with maybe a pack sprinkled in here or there. I'll probably be losing out. Gaining more in f2p packs though. But losing in terms of actually investing money into the game, which sucks.
  10. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

  11. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I'll see what we can do.
  12. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    Nothing too ridiculous, just 52830 gold. (almost 53 packs)
  13. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Well, that's great :D. The shards are what really made it a good deal (along with the other runes). I got one of those packs and a few single PD packs, and I felt like my collection grew significatnly. Was able to trade the exo for a bonewing (probably a noob trade, but I wanted my skelly theme) and the shards for something else. I mostly played the campaigns, and used the golden lamias for my skele deck till I could afford a few more core (bone ele, lerper, etc) for the surge.
    Ironically UR has generally gone down in quality recently, while Pox has gone up (especially since when I played Pox). Glad to see someone else plays UR, but man do they drop the ball REPEATEDLY.

    Picking your own factions helps with the market, since if you do wrath vs prot, players will try to obtain OP runes from specific factions, and then there will be a flood of Wrath or Prot runes depending on which has the stronger runes at the time (generally). Provided no new factions are added that is.
  14. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    I'm glad to see that you guys are finally embracing the Extra Credits principle of making it so players will 'enjoy' spending money on the game vs making them feel they 'need' to by focusing on the purchasing of packs. It's been my belief (which I've posted about before) that part of the success of Hearthstones f2p model is the ability of casual players to earn a pack a day, and that pack usually rewards them with needed cards (not just shard value).

    My criticism of the current pox f2p model is that it mostly just drops free cards on you for playing games instead of rewarding the player those cards via the pack opening mechanic. Because it's the opening of the pack where you want the joy to be. That's the thing that will encourage a f2p player to sometime spend real money. They play a few games each day and instead of cards from heaven they should earn gold, enough gold to buy a pack. And when they open the pack that's when they realize the reward they have earned. That's the point where they should feel the joy. And if they want more of that joy without putting in the time of playing more games all they have to do is drop a few bucks (that is how the f2p model can make money).

    So in that spirit I'm also suggesting that the UI can also reinforce the joy of opening a pack just by making the process look cool. It should also sound cool too. Pox UI is deficient in the sound effects. There is no ambient music in the launcher screen. There is no click noises or card creation trumpets in the forge etc etc. music and sound effects serve the same purpose as cool art and needs to be exploited more. So at least jazz up the pack buying/opening UI with sound.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  15. Karamasov

    Karamasov Lord of SL & Master of Challenges

    Get on my level. 147.124 gold. I have been saving since they announced the better deals were coming ;)
  16. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    When did the announce this? If only I knew.
  17. Karamasov

    Karamasov Lord of SL & Master of Challenges

    Looking at the gold I've accumulated, I guess quite a while ago ;) Just remember Sok talking about it in some thread about coming changes.
  18. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    All of this. Yes.
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Pack opening animations,etc. are difficult to achieve with a web interface (which is why the current pack opener doesn't do much), but it is definitely something we are planning on doing with the new client. (When Pox was still SOE, there was someone working on something for it via HTML5 I think, but it never got finished.)

    While I absolutely agree that the reveal moment of rewards is an important point to highlight and do advocate for that, I would note that empirically it also has diminishing returns - and is something that newer players care far more about than veteran players. In fact, it's usually a good idea to ensure that any unskippable elements not be too long or too obstrusive either (when you've seen/heard the same thing 100x or 1000x, it is a different experience, this is especially true for people who buy a lot of them). There's a balance to be had.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
    Tweek516 and SireofSuns like this.
  20. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    For the forge, would something like the Mystic Forge sound be reasonable for when you forge something, and then the shatter sound when you sacrifice something?

    In regards to the opening of packs, I think just a short little sound for when you first open each pack would be plenty. Maybe some sparkles.

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