Sad Tad

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by oyo97, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Soo you don't care about the game. That's regrettable.

    And no, semis are not trash now, but not top tier either, and FS Kind of horribly lacking in top tier themes ... Last time I saw semis, salaman and firk they lost. Jellies are looking pretty decent, haven't seen a full bopper group lately. Poison is back from a top deck to a gimmick.
  2. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    No it was a joke, thought that seemed pretty clear.
    BurnPyro, SPiEkY and Goyo like this.
  3. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    I support Goyos statement except for superchamp decks. I am biased against those. Ban all players that use them, permanently, and get the FBI to chase them down. Superchamps are terrorism.
  4. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I'm one of the superdudes runner and I got to say, the scene has a lot of dust on it. Every patch, a thing is made more difficult for a superdude deck and I like it, because it shows a consistent design of the game.
    Bondman007 likes this.
  5. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, I've seen very few lately, and I appreciate that. I think they are one of the most anti-fun archetypes.

    Though you'd disagree :p
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Anyone saying poison is a gimmick deck after shrines and relics lost immunity is due for a sanity check.

    And ofcourse, OFCOURSE you have to pay for that water gen to ONLY use fry in FS. And you HAVE to use a spell, in no way is water gen omnipresent in champ abilities.

    Life is so hard when you get 6 nora per round and you don't know how to spend it on some hajhtoo-oh
    Ballballer and SPiEkY like this.
  7. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Soz can we get leap 2 back on tad? It is a worthless summon after removing leap 3. Not understanding why leap 3 was removed from tad summon in the first place..... FS hate is real.
  8. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Yep, water gen is, in fact, in no way omnipresent. It also isn't splashed anymore, as it was before the latest patches, it's kind of gone the way of the dodo.

    And poison deck is a gimmick deck after both poison clouds and the mushroom were nerfed pretty drastically. I'd be able to judge it better if anyone played it, but apparently nobody thinks they could win games with it. Go figure.

    Or have you seen a lot of poison lately.

    Life would be so much easier if I got tough 2 for free :<
    profhulk likes this.
  9. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Yeah, when TheRavager and Taylor play it, you know, those guys who actually know how to play the faction and game. Not sure what the average noob plays, but when has that ever been an indication of what's good?

    Oh, are they buffing the SL bonus?!
    SPiEkY likes this.
  10. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Never seen Taylor play poison lately. Never seen Rav on.

    No, they already buffed the SL bonus, it's really crazy, you know.
  11. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    This has been going on forever with this regime though. Instead of nerfing the problem directly and with minor adjustments, they nerf the problem x2 or even x3, nerf the aiding problems (which aren't necessarily a problem themselves directly), then nerf the faction (exaggeration, but u get the point) :rolleyes:
    Thus, you end up with stuff that becomes unplayable to the majority of the players (our elitists can win with all relic bg's [again, u get the point]) or is extremely tight to win with meaning there can simply be no errors made while playing it to win with it (hard to do for the playerbase as a whole vs equally skilled opponents imo).
    Again, I use bleed as an example. Lot of people like the theme, it does work (to an extent) but has had critical pieces nerfed that lower the functionality of the theme as a whole making it very difficult to win with vs players of a like skill. Devilsrath was doing ok with one but I saw him lose with it several times.
    Take the last round of nerfs with avarice. We have the CorpsE treatment. Create a WAY OP equip. Then after the main selling time is done, nerf it to the ground. It took, what, x2 nerfs (excluding the hotfix)? Removed gluttony and added the imp clause.
    While it is still somewhat usable because of spot manic, it certainly bears no resemblance from its original intent. This kind of stuff drives me bonkers with this game. It either A) should have never been released in its original form or B) should be given taps to see if the smaller adjustments fix the problem. The team is small and working on several other projects, however, and so we get hammer time nerfs. Fun, fun.
  12. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    This has happened to other runes/themes as well.
  13. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    I hate this thread. These factions fighting each other, and I'm standing here like, "I've played with 3 different split decks and a FF FW deck and I lose equally with all of them, whats the deal..?"....
    I'm trying to figure out how to resolve this but I don't think I can XD. Except, since I like pretty much every faction equally, it's like seeing family members fight.

    Like, on the one hand I'm playing a FS/SP fry deck atm, and actually think its balance is fine from my point of view (though I'm a newb)...
    On the other hand I have a krickenwing that's really inspiring me to make an SL "bunch of mutants and weirdos" deck one day, as well as possibly thinking of a half- SL charge deck...
    Then I also play an FS/UD fire deck..
    and a ST/IS Leoss deck..
    and FF FW....
    not to mention the first faction I played was ST....
    What do I do? >.< How do I get all of my faction members to get along?!?!
    19madfox95 and SPiEkY like this.
  14. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    Look at the rusty firecase summon in SP, Bro. I mean wow...cleaned out like a Wal-Mart special!
    Ballballer likes this.
  15. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    Yeah that thing was kind of ridiculous though.
  16. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    Its not a fight entirely, just people frustrated that things they like get decimated in a nerf pounce. It happens to themes all the time. They are working well then after a round of nerfs they don't function as they once did. No one is here saying that a theme should be auto-win when played, but it should be competitive without having to be a tier 1 player. For instance...Go watch Halfgod, Ballballer, and some of the other top meta BG guys and you will watch them consistently beat like skilled players with BG's and themes that just have a tremendous amount of synergy. When they are opposed by themes that are just lacking they usually steamroll them because that particular theme may just be harder to win with (of course not detracting from their level of play).
  17. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    Perhaps, but still like a x2 nerf at least??
  18. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    what do you mean by x2?

    I think it's balanced now, the Death Nova: Lava which ****ed with your positioning for a few turns after you had killed it was the problem. All it lost was that and Immunity: Fire. Or did it lose Leap instead of Immunity? I get mixed up on which one the clops throws.
  19. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    lost leap & death nova definitely and may have lost more *shrug*
    But again, instead of just losing nova, we have to make it lose more. That's kinda my whole point. We don't start small, we just bush-hog it to the ground.
  20. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    I do support the OP though, give that tad some leap!

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