Some minor questions about Poxnora

Discussion in 'Training Grounds and Game Guides' started by Spritesgc, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Spritesgc

    Spritesgc New Member

    Hello people,

    I'm relatively new in the game, casually playing since october, and so far I think I already got the concept of the game, how the gameplay works and about memorizing some abilites, champions and stuff.
    But there are some minor issues/things that are still not very clear or that I have absolutely no idea what they do, and I would be glad if someone could explain them to me.

    1- What is 'shoebox'?
    Ok, so I've never heard about it before and this word appears left and right, on threads, in gameplay videos, and I still don't know exactly what it is.
    I get the gyst of something that is 'overnerfed', or something that was good and people stop using after N reasons?

    2- Player level affects anything?
    So, after leveling up like 20 levels, I didn't notice any difference.
    At first, I thought it would affect your rewards, gold or rune exp, or the skirmishes difficulty, but everything seems the same as I started the game.
    Then, I thought it would affect matchmaking on PVP, until I saw players playing against others with like 30 ~40 levels above.
    And now I don't know what it's purpose.

    3- Achievements affects anything?
    I know there are the Daily Quests, but I mean those other achievements like 'Losing more than 30 units in the match' things. Besides giving you the awesome +10 gold bonus reward, does it do anything else?
    Is there a gallery or a list with all the achievements I can get/already got? Because the game only saves/remembers the last 3 achievements.

    4- Drums of War?
    I know it's some global competition where the player supports the faction they like the most, but it's an event that happens once or twice a year? Or depends on the mood of the GMs?
    Since the very first day I started playing, that Drums of War banner on Launchpad hasn't changed and keeps drawing my attention to it.

    So, for now I guess it is only that.
    Also, sorry if they're kinda stupid questions.
  2. Oldmaster

    Oldmaster I need me some PIE!

    Shoebox refers to the old tcg tradition of keeping the cards you don't use in a shoebox. Essentially refers to runes that no one plays because of power level.

    Player level doesn't affect anything at all.
    Achievements don't do anything else besides the bonus gold. Maybe also bonus cp, i forget.Someone compiled a list of achievements on the forums once, but I don't have it bookmarked.

    The code for Drums of War is currently broken/lost. You got the basic gist. It used to run all the time, and eventually a faction would win. Points were awarded to factions and players through ranked games.Players got gold as prizes. I would expect a similar system to eventually be developed. Gedden has expressed frustration that it is not a working feature of the game.
    And they weren't stupid questions.
    Spritesgc likes this.
  3. Spritesgc

    Spritesgc New Member

    Oh, thank you.

    It's kinda sad to know that player level is useless and Drums of War is not working anymore.
  4. Lauremoon

    Lauremoon I need me some PIE!

    You can access to the list of achievements through your profile in the main page (and info about the ones you have completed).


    Also, you can compare your achievements with another player's ones.
    To do that, you just have to go to the profile of the player you want to be compared with, and click "Compare" (yeah).


    There are some cool achievements to get through the game (Master of Deception is one of my favourites).
    Spritesgc and Oldmaster like this.
  5. Oldmaster

    Oldmaster I need me some PIE!

    That's very cool, I had no idea that was there.
  6. Spritesgc

    Spritesgc New Member

    So it does have an achievement list. That's nice.
    Master of Deception and Common Battlemaster looks quite challenging to get.
  7. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Shoebox actually had a more litteral meaning in the old days of Pox, when there was actually a separate rune storage form called the Shoebox, which you could place runes in if you didn't want to seem them when leafing through your collection to make a BG. That was removed, as its practicality was limited, and the box was more often obstructive rather than simplifying.
    Spritesgc likes this.
  8. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    I honestly think Rare Battlemaster would more difficult then Common Battlemaster. I think I'm gonna check them out when I get some time

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