split fire bg's

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by OriginalG1, May 27, 2017.

  1. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    Just about every new player sets out to make a fire bg at some point. Full faction UD can be a little to forward with their strategy because AoE 2 is used in many of their combos can this can become predictable. Posted are two split fire bg's I have made and been winning with in custom matches. Both focus on getting imp familiar out of the damage buff, and both splits heal imp familiar allowing for more flame charges then normal. (SL's font gives imp familiar regeneration 2, KF can use the Catharsis Bloom. 2x Caliginous Cauldron is necessary when using full fire bg's because fire resistance, eater, immunity is the most common damage negotiators in the game.

    The strategy is to make use to colossal units to stall your opponent unit you get enough of the amp combo out to start killing with the stalling units. Plays off both fire and acid amp. Watch out, Caliginous Cauldron can cause nightmare to hurt himself rather then heal.

    This is a fast moving bg with strong summon unit possibilities. Ready 2 on Abyssal Fiends, and Chosen of Osarius. Both plants and elf can make use of Path of De'lim so this bg has a heavier focus on elfs.
  2. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    Wondering about perfected runner. Do you take quest or short lived? And if you take short lived, have you considered running escape magic?(Not saying it's the right choice just interested)
  3. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    I use runner with short lived. With the Path of De'lim relics he can get into combat pretty fast.
  4. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    Run SL UD and assassin kill the shrine with

    2x hatching season
    Awaken brood
    Price of victory

    Maybe a Summon Borghas etc.

    The key is to play ok but badly at mid font whilst sneaking an innocuous stealthed guy to the enemy shrine.

    Use a bit of nora to stall a little. As the enemy gets excited and goes for the kill, you TOTALLY WASTE their shrine.

    It can be quite cool.

    And in fact the BG can function normally too once they know the trick.

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