ST Bugs Compilation

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by Goyo, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I'm adding them in the order they are posted.

    Arctic Flight (Ability)
    Units gain Ready.

    Runes Affected:

    Rappid Attack (Abilities)
    It's not on the attack chain if it goes first, but it is if goes after an attack.

    Runes Affected:

    Rappid Attack + Dragging Attack (Abilities)
    This interaction makes the 3 attacks from RA stop at the fist one because the targeted champion has been moved.

    Note: At melee, after Attack Combo: Slam triggers (because the unit is not dragged), it stops at 2 attacks after the knockback.
    Runes affected: Strig Legwhip

    Dragging Attack + Combo Attack: Slam (Visual) Unreproducible
    When it triggers, the affected champion visually moves 2 spaces away from the attacker (slam), and at the beggining of the next turn is positioned were it is supposed to be (1 less for drag).

    Unit affected: Strig Legwhip

    Nora Gem (Ability)
    It copies Luminescences from other units within 6 spaces but only the main ability of those units, not the ones them copies from others far away. In other words, you cannot chain Luminescences from one another.
    Runes affected: All Crystals with Endless Devotion and Nora Gem relics

    Unstable Tiger Eye + Movement WAI (not a priority to be looked at)
    It has an animation that triggers everytime a Nora Gem unit moves each square, significally slowing it's movement.

    Unstable Tiger Eye + 2x2 (Ability of Unstable Tiger Eye (Relic))
    Destabilizing Luminescence procs like on a 1x1 unit taking the middle space of the AoE from the upper space of the 2x2 unit.
    Note: Reproducible with Crystal Dragon or 2x2 +Imbue Luminescence (Spell)

    Trail: Crystal + Swap (Ablities)
    The instance of Crystal procs first and the swapped unit gets stuck on impassable terrain.

    Runes affected: Crystal Crawler

    Confused (Condition given by Psychological Warfare and Confuse)
    If it removes an ability on cooldown, that ability is unnable to be used again.

    Wish (Spell)
    #1 It should search for the nearest champion with an equipment.
    Instead, is searches by deploy order.
    #2 It affect units with Warding (This unit cannot be target of spells).

    Freezing Aura (Ability)
    When two auras affect the same champion, the effect nullifies.

    Runes affected:

    Freeze (Ability)
    Last for 3 turns when it should last for 2.

    Runes affected: Icesnap, Apprentice Mage

    Everfrost Manacles (Equipment)
    #1 The ice generated last for 2 turns instead of 3 as it should.
    #2 The 3 tick of damage goes into the damage formula and is affected by modifiers. For example, Jakei Shaman with Revere: Icesnap does 6 instead of 3, and Rappid Attack does 1 x3 attacks.

    Tamer Beast (ability)
    It last for 2 turn instead of 3.

    Runes affected: Lonx Beast Tamer

    Empathy (ability)
    Illusions with this ability triggers it.

    Runes affected:

    Jakei Globe (relic)
    #1 It tracks illusions.
    #2 It tracks for the upper space of a 2x2 unit, it should cover the 4 spaces.

    #3 When 2x2 units are above the relic, the effect doesn't procs properly (personal testing will go better than a description here)
    Suggestion: Rework the code so it creates a path (like a dummy 1x1 unit moving with trail: Ice) rather than an area.

    Focused Nexus (spell)
    It affect avatars.

    Northern Wind Discipline (spell)
    It deals 4x 10dmg to target 2x2 friendly champion. It should deal only 10dmg.

    Camaraderie (ability / visual)
    Nora costs for revealed champions keeps the same, while new revealed champions after Camaraderie was deployed are reduced.

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
  2. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    neat i'll add them to the ever growing list of glitches we find every day heh.

    I might ask for a redesign on strig leg whip...just too many issues with that champs current design.
  3. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I like him because he force 5 movements of an enemy unit, combining very well with things like Crystal Howler Luminescence and Iceguard Bracers.

    Fixing Rapid Attack would be too hard you say?
    KingJad likes this.
  4. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    fixing rapid attack probably means not having it trigger basic attack effects. keep that in mind. they've never stated it's an intended effect despite me wishing it was, and the more bugs that are caused by it doing it, makes it more likely they will declare it as un-intended
    Goyo likes this.
  5. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Trail: Crystal + Swap
    The instance of Crystal procs first and the swapped unit gets stuck on impassable terrain.
    Units Affected: Crystal Crawler
  6. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    suppose I should mention that if you use confuse to remove an ability on CD, they will never be able to use it again.

    wish targets the first champion deployed via deploy order and as soon as it finds one with an equip it copies that equip.
    Goyo likes this.
  7. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Added 2 more.
  8. s4ndm4ns

    s4ndm4ns I need me some PIE!

    You can add Icesnap Freeze lasts 3 turns not 2 as described.
    Goyo likes this.
  9. voodoochile

    voodoochile The King of Potatoes

    That's 12 bugs! I thought it was even worst. Fixing 12 bugs per faction seems doable... isn't it?
  10. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    The problem is the lack of programmers they are having right now. But mostly yes, the revamp didn't crash the game :) but fixed a lot and added some cool stuff. I like it as a whole.
  11. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    Everfrost Manacles
    Trail: Ice lasts for two turns instead of three.
    Possibly a bug: The three damage caused by being attacked while wearing Everfrost Manacles is modified by certain effects. Example: Rapid Attack causes three times one damage. Attacking with Jakei Shaman while Icesnap is out causes six damage.
    Goyo likes this.
  12. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Thanks for the report!
  13. voodoochile

    voodoochile The King of Potatoes

    The list is growing... I may retrieve my words :S hehe
  14. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    A nice list here. I have made noted several of these and some of them have already been reported.

    Just an FY, Nora Gem and Destabilizing Luminescence + Movement seem to be functioning as designed.

    Destabilizing Luminescence + 2x2: Is there a specific rune that is a nora gem that is 2x2 that allows you to know this is the case? I need more info as to how this is done by the player.
  15. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Should we discuss in ST if this should be reworked to match the description or do you think the code is very unlikely to be touched?

    You can try Crystal Dragon with Endless Devotion and a Jakei nerby, or you can try any 2x2 and cast the spell Imbue Luminescence.

    Thanks for your attention :)
  16. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Thanks for the examples. As for your first question, I can't comment to the actual code design and what can or would be done. But, if you have a forum discussion of the mechanic's problems/balance and come up with a general consensus be sure to let me know :)
    Goyo likes this.
  17. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Nevermind I misread that. That particular interaction isn't a priority to take your attention. I though you were talking about Nora Gem not stacking.
  18. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Tamer Beast (ability)
    It last for 2 turn instead of 3.
    Runes affected: Lonx Beast Tamer
  19. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Empathy (ability)
    Illusions with this ability triggers it.

    Runes affected:

    Jakei Globe (relic)
    #1 It tracks illusions.
    #2 It tracks for the upper space of a 2x2 unit, it should cover the 4 spaces.
    #3 When 2x2 units are above the relic, the effect doesn't procs properly (personal testing will go better than a description here)

    Suggestion: Rework the code so it creates a path (like a dummy 1x1 unit moving with trail: Ice) rather than an area.

    Focused Nexus (spell)
    It affect avatars.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  20. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    not going to lie emapthy illussions seem pretty sweet.

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