Terraformer is Rot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vorian, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    While I do agree it could get another tap, I think unconventional champs tend to get more hate then they deserve.
    Vorian likes this.
  2. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    I have more ways to counter terraformer than most people, and I think its op at its cost
    Vorian likes this.
  3. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    spending 25 nora on shimmering flower to negate 70 nora on terraformer seems pretty efficient.
  4. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Vorian and Tweek516 like this.
  5. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

  6. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

  7. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Stop mw, we all know its you by now.
  9. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Dont get me wrong I dont struggle against terraformer with SP but whenever I face it with UD or SL it can single handedly annihilate me and it must be the same for any faction without access to distract...
  10. zorbot

    zorbot The King of Potatoes

    You are crazy if you think terraformer is balanced. Anything 2x auto in literally every IS deck, split or otherwise, is probably op. That being said I'm running it so if you nerds who know nothing of balance want to keep it the same, w/e. Tremor-terafrom combo is 22 damage for 5 ap, aoe damage at range 7 and he doesn't have to worry about ap for attacks.
  11. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    by this criteria alot of runes are OP
  12. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    I don't think it his him, played butterfacegirl in ranked and kinda steamrolled, say what you want about mw24, but he is a good player.

    Actually, this is more scary, because it means more than 1 person actually believes these viewpoints.
  13. zorbot

    zorbot The King of Potatoes

    I could be more specific but that is a pretty good rule of thumb. Cheap champs with aoe/passive damage are incredibly strong. When they are cheap, they are usually broken.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  14. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Buff mika
  15. Cody

    Cody The King of Potatoes

    Spawn pool guardian!

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