The Forest and The Peaks

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by AKHolic, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. AKHolic

    AKHolic The King of Potatoes

    Dear fellow Splittians

    Hey guys, so I've been trying on making a KF/SP Beast BG and there are so many viable options didn't really know where to start from! Down below is my version of what I made just wanted to share it with everyone and maybe critique the BG on any improvements or downfalls with the selection I have chosen.

    Just giving the BG a glance myself it seems all over the place, any pointers and such would be useful.

    Best wishes with the BG


    Veteran in disguise
  2. Poxineer

    Poxineer The King of Potatoes

    Try not to make a mess with all that stress

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