The return of the "Cancel" button would be nice...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aleswick, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    I am not new to this game and one of the things that hasn't changed is when someone in trader will post a rune you are interested in, and then instead of them accepting/rejecting the trade they will lock your runes and they keep them that way. They are locked way after the trade is expired and I have found there are true donkeys out there that get off on locking peoples runes. They may or may not even really want to trade the rune. They put it on the market, say "offer" and no matter the bid they do not accept a bid. Even though they don't like the offers they won't reject them either. This gets old. I ask you to offer a cancel bid button. Once a trade expires this should be a option that automatically occurs. After 10 hours of a bid it should appear. This keeps people from abusing it but keeps bidders from being abused. Thanks...
    Kvothe likes this.
  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hmm, that does seem like a problem. Consider your idea noted.
  3. Queegon

    Queegon I need me some PIE!

    It already appears after 12 hours of your bid. You can cancel it, unless the trade already ended. If it did end, the auctioner gets another 12 hours to come back home from work or whatever and get back to the auction before the trade expires. If you are afraid of being rune locked, don't bid on trades ending in less than 12 hours. You might end up rune locked for 24 hours.

    Bear that in mind, don't bother offering on "offer" trades, and you'll be just fine.
  4. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Thanks for your post Queegon,

    I was going to look into the duration but 12 hours after the auction closes is withing an acceptable range. Her I was thinking people were being rune locked for days. 20 fictional forum points to you.
  5. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Maybe allow sellers to mark one bid as "best bid" and then
    - If no new bid was posted since the bid was marked best bid, it's automatically accepted when the trade expires
    - If trade expires and no bid was marked as best bid, all bids can be cancelled at any time
    - If a new bid was posted, then only the best bid and new bids are locked for a while, all other bids are automatically cancelled

  6. RockPaperGiJoe

    RockPaperGiJoe New Member

    The issue is with the "offer" auctions. That and trading is a major problem in this game for new players. The trade system is not nearly as developed as it should be. We have a market place filled with people who either put "offer" or list a 5:1 ratio for their auction. New players do not know what to look for while the registration system allows sharks to come out of the woodwork.

    Every hardcore trader and scammer has multiple accounts which are used maliciously to bid or set auctions to uneducated traders. Scammers do not care what they bidding because the bid is usually favorable and they do not even play on that account with the runes they are using as bait. Additionally, it's simply too time consuming for a new player to find values without understanding what runes are being sought after, going to sites like eBay or Poxbox for values, etc.

    So, people should be allowed to cancel their bid at anytime. You aren't using a currency specifically to buy runes for your bids like a real auction, rather you are using your own personal inventory that has no set values aside from the shards you get from disenchanting a rune or the values listed in Poxbox. The greedy trader knows that and will lock your bid in place and continue to wait to reap a profit. The trade system is in dire need of an overhaul in order to provide a friendlier experience to not only new players, but to traders and collectors, too.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  7. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Or just let us bid in gold.
  8. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    this is not true! I still have a trade thats locked and its way over 12 hours!
  9. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    you need to investigate!
  10. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    Also, when a trade expires you should have the choice to immediately cancel your bid, if the 24 hour thing is true!
  11. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    I am, as usual, pretty much against any ability to freely exchange gold.

    For the whole expires thing, it makes sense if a person wants to wait to see what bids have come in at the last moment to see what they could get, but I do feel that the bid cancel thing needs to be a bit more regulated, or have a count down timer for when you can cancel the bid at least.
  12. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I'm sure this has been discussed a lot, but remind me please, what are the arguments against trading gold?
  13. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    I'm surprised, I would expect that a game developer would understand what they are opening themselves up to by allowing free flowing gold. In many games there are three types of currency. "Gold", "Cash" and "Items". Gold and cash are both used to buy items and the items themselves are tradeable. Cash is the more instant way of obtaining items, while gold is the way that requires a bit of grinding and in game playing.

    While slightly different, the argument against the the ability to freely trade gold is similar to that of the argument of freely trading Owls in the game.
  14. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Most games actually don't allow items to be tradeable, so this is not a straightforward comparison. I have seen games which allow items to be traded for in-game currency, and most Valve games even allow you to trade items for cash currency (with exceptions, some items are untradable).

    There are no hard rules, so I'd still be curious about those arguments as far as Pox Nora is concerned.

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