Transmission relay and vex, maulers, rumblers!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xxLordQxx, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. xxLordQxx

    xxLordQxx I need me some PIE!

    These runes def. need looked into. Early game relay is a free scry every turn for 25 nora and late game it gives a random dragon basically immortal. Now factor in vex racks up charges with each deploy and now not only is near impossible to remove a dragon....its coming back next turn. Other and deleting them from the game I dont have an idea how to balance this. Its no secret that I am bias towards UD and I might not be an expert at balancing but I know this is broke.
    SaintKiwi likes this.
  2. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    they could make it scry alternating turns and for second part make cooldown reduce by 2 turns instead of instant immortality
  3. xxLordQxx

    xxLordQxx I need me some PIE!

    Thats not a bad idea. And its still only 25 nora
  4. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    Oh lordQQ, how I missed you
  5. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    whoever is the sl council will need to be convinced its a good nerf
  6. xxLordQxx

    xxLordQxx I need me some PIE!

    Haha....I thought I missed this game. Then I come back to it in its current state and it just makes me sad. I am contemplating selling my runes for cash. I dont know if this game will ever be enjoyable again. Its not just the glaring balance issues. Its the speed at which things happen. I left for awhile...come back...and its still sad :(

    I loved this game and couldnt get enough of it at one point in time. Win, lose, flame, was entertaining. This is how it starts now.

    1. Yay....I wanna play some pox. I miss the strategy, community, and fun.

    2. Ok 3 games in and I am in a bad mood from either barley winning games I should of dominated or losing games horribly.

    3 Ok....I have to play better. I am making waaaay to many mistakes.

    4 Holyshit this is no hope. I have not only out played my opponent and lost but have now wasted a few hours hoping to enjoy something that used to be fun to only realize I truly hate this game atm and its current state.

    There is no strategy at this point. Its either play everything broken about the game or lose. I watched players who have stuck around after I left and are still limited. They are only playing broken OP stuff. You cant even get mad at them. IF you wanna win you have to max your deck out with OP combos or broken combos.

    I dont have the time or motivation to learn all of this again when it was suppose to get back on track after DOG took over. I will fade back into the shadows hoping this game will someday come back to glory.

    Then again if I get a good enough offer for my runes....I gladly be gone forever....
    profhulk likes this.
  7. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    The problem i have here is that this is the type of post that has been goimg on since pox began. Its not aboutvyou in particular, just so im clear. If people are always whining about broken stuff, shoudnt they be aware that something will always be broken by now. On that note i do agree that vex and relay could use a nerf of some kind. So I guess my point is dont leave because of two runes amd a string of close games.
    OchiK likes this.
  8. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    DoG decides the haves and the have nots based on forum whining, well constructed nerf threads by burn-pyro(which are really just whine threads), 0 game experience and best of all, Random exhibition.
  9. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Woe is IS. IS is so bad. Nobody loves IS. It's the most super terriblest of all the factions.

    Dagda and BurnPyro like this.
  10. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    If the constant 100 nora Vex deploys, which needs time to ramp up, is wrecking you I feel obliged to ask the obvious 'what were you doing with that nora'?

    Maulers on the other hand
  11. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    posted just so you can do that baby, your tears are what make me love your dumb post for no reason.

    Cry for me, bleed for me, die for me... Especially that last one bro.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    u wot m8? herd u wer talkn sht.
    OchiK and Dagda like this.
  13. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Another guy who think that making a zealous and idiotic post is somehow a bait if people point out the stupidity in a funny way.
  14. xxLordQxx

    xxLordQxx I need me some PIE!

    Vex is just the salt in the wound. Its the Maulers and Rumblers that kick you in the d!ck.

    I feel compelled to try again.....but by the end of the night I will be rage posting again. Lol. I concede that a majority of the problem is my play and mistakes. I get that. Those are actually harder to spot then the glaringly broken OP runes that are bashing my face in. Now I realize that as I continue to get pummeled I will eventually callous up and learn to deal with some of the punishment. But what I am getting at is I am tired of being let down by a game I cant stop playing even when I don't enjoy playing it. I take breaks, I change strategy, I even vent through rage post and nothing. Nothing fixes the damn problem. My dealers wont fix their product!!! I keep blindly believing in something that I know is gonna fail me. ( pox a religion?!)

    What I hate more about this game is that after sleeping it off. I feel like I can magically think or play my way around this. Its kinda like the perfect example of an idiot. No matter how many times you think miraculously that your gonna find some magic bullet. Sadly like any other drug there really is only one reality. Your know hate it....but you cant stop loving it.

    Maybe its not pox maybe its me. But in the off chance that its not me....can someone please help me find my sanity because pox keeps beating it out of me!!!

    Damn it the more I re-read this post the less sense it makes......@#$% you pox!!!
    profhulk likes this.
  15. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    I personally believe vex is op. I also believe transmission relay is undercosted. I think reveal:race needs a cost bump. You have all now been blessed with the opinion of ballballer.
    SaintKiwi likes this.
  16. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    If maulers and rumblers are the real problem, why are you making a post about Vex?
  17. xxLordQxx

    xxLordQxx I need me some PIE!

    Fixed it.
  18. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    also i feel like i should include something about cna teleport anything anywhere
    SPiEkY likes this.
  19. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    SL isn't FW, so there shouldn't be a relic that promotes a long ass game for no reason.
  20. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    To point out exhume and ressurect act in the same way. However not cost effective these are mechanics that can be used in multiple battlegroups which can also exploit other efficient play styles outside of SL Dragons.

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