Tundra Reformation

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by KingJad, May 22, 2015.

  1. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    Despite the countless threads that were made in the past that are largely still relevant there have been claims that the ST community doesn't provide enough feedback. I thought instead of a Cactaur Crate the ST community could have their own variant were changes are collectively considered and possibly voted on if that does not become to complicated which it may in the end. But the idea is that we can all agree or come close to agreeing on the path champs, spells, equips and relics should take in respect to the themes they belong too.

    How the system would work?

    After a discussion that comes to a relatively unanimous conclusion it would be added to the Community Suggestions part of the main post. To begin a discussion on a rune or mechanic simply mentioning it will have it added to the under discussion part of the post to give those who haven't read the entire thread an idea on what we are currently still considering and allowing other players to present their argument.

    How will the voting work?

    Well this is still a fairly new idea and it probably won't work out to well and will probably just end up with us using our heads to decide what most of the community seems to be for or against.

    Why was this created?

    Like was initially mentioned there appears to be a lack of discussion in this forum so the goal is to increase that discussion to get the gears moving and ST into a better position. That and our supposed council members don't seem to be sharing anything with us and there seems to be no direction for ST.

    Why is this necessary?

    The more people who are behind a change the more gravity it will have if the community can agree upon a change that isn't toxic for the game by nature(Op champs/mechanic that is blatantly broken being advocated for) the devs would be much more accepting of the ideas.

    I've added what I currently see as a few things that would spark discussion
    Community Suggestions
    Community Discussions

    • Nohkan-Do changes
    • Speed Adjustments for Champs that seem too slow or just inadequate
    • Theme improvements in general
    • Jakei Wingmaster (current suggestion minimum range to 4 with associated cost decrease and +3 damage.)
    • Cloak of Ice (becomes ST variant of Tinder Box
    • Calming Tailwinds (Spell) cost from 35 to 30
    • Strig Buffs
    • Ferren Buffs
    • Ancestral Focus (only affect friendly spells or casting player's spells)
    • Blinding Reflection 55 Nora
      Target friendly champion is removed from play all conditions are removed and equipment is destroyed. At the end of the turn the champion returns to play with a copy of the champion in an adjacent space with short-lived one.

    • Blinding Reflection 40 Nora
      Target champion is removed from play all conditions are removed and equipment is destroyed. If targeting an enemy champion it returns to play at the end of this turn with Frozen 3, Blind 2, and confused. If targeting a friendly champion it returns to play at the end of this turn with mirrored and reflection 3.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015
  2. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    mortal ix likes this.
  3. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    There was a suggestion by Sokolov back in a thread regarding Nohkan-Do and I still do think it is pretty interesting change

    Regarding Nohkan Monks

    Per Attack

    When this champion is attacked, up to 5 damage is prevented if the champion has at least 1 AP. The champion loses 1 AP when it prevents damage in this way.

    In this variant, the unit would prevent up to 5 damage per attack but would never lose more than 1 AP per attack. A 12 damage attack on a 3 AP unit would deal 7 damage at a cost of 1 AP.
    • This would only trigger on targeted attacks(suggested by g0y0)
    • Would be capped at 3-4 triggers
    • Could possibly have its cost lowered to 6
  4. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I appreciate the effort, lets cross our fingers but I doubt something is happening anytime soon.
    Either way, priorities for ST atm are:

    1) Some form of compensation for removing Ready from Arctic. People didnt really think this one through and havent realized how much it has affected the faction. We need a font bonus ASAP;
    2) Revival of themes - ALL ST THEMES (except Lonx, and even them are not tier 1 anymore) ARE CRAP ATM, stop releasing runes for meta and focus on themes dammit;
    3) Kento needs to have her signature ability back to being not so horrible anymore;
    4) If every faction is getting everything, ST should get: Combat Awareness; Loss of Life; Spot Removal.
    mortal ix and KingJad like this.
  5. nakaruru

    nakaruru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    A couple of things that I think could help

    reducing the cost of boon of the wind, it curently gives 4 nora of abilities for 6 cost and it is conditional on if it is even used.

    Reduce the speed and cost of AoI, 7 speed on a support champ with no attack a very few activated abilities is to much. Dropping it to 6 or even 5 with the normal nora decreases I think would make it much more playable.

    Wingmaster could have the min range increased to 4 and shave a few hp off of it, in return give it a couple of damage and a bit of a nora decrease.

    Lastly I noticed jakei have a lot of terrain, (trail on elder, new one with ice font, jakei globe, new relic giving snow strike ) perhaps this could be a way to help tie jakei together along with the newly changed queen if it is actually going to be a theme to the designers. Not to sure on how this would be done just a thought.
    mortal ix likes this.
  6. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    K'ento's ability is useless with that damage clause. Any aura or global ability will instantly render it mute.

    I'd actually like spot removal to be moved away from but if it wasn't a rune that created redeploy like effects. I think retreat could see a cost decrease and drop to 35 nora.
    mortal ix and blazinsoul like this.
  7. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    How come the Shaman change was so bad? I understand losing Cleanse and the range change might make things slightly different, but paying 82 Nora for her before felt a bit iffy. If there's a possibility of reaching a middle ground I'd be okay with it, I haven't exactly played with the new Shaman but she looks alright (and not by just taking into account the sheer cost reduction).

    I'd also like to see the Immortality clause back on Endless Devotion, assuming there's a possibility of making a non damaging on deploy version of it, it's what brought the theme together in my opinion whenever I played it (also yay phoenix is back to not being completely useless). As for Elemental Core I think it works nicely as it is and has a defined role, perhaps the addition of Endless Devotion so things chain, but I don't think it's necessary, still.

    The signature ability on Aspect of Infinity is fairly outdated, despite the changes that made her somewhat interesting in 90% of the cases she'd be more of a Nora sink than anything else.


    What would you deem as fair compensation for the Arctic change? Would the AP lost upon walking in the font zone suffice, or do you have anything else in mind?

    Looking forward to what you have to say.


    Nice initiative~
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    First off I agree with you on Endless Devotion, that was a terrible move by calisk to get Immortality removed off the units and I wish it could be added back. However, it will probably increase the cost of the champs by a ton, so we are in a bit of a crossroad. That's also why I think this stupid and inacurate cost formula should go.
    On the font bonus, Id be ok with that. Specially if it the mechanic worked in a way that the champ cannot access the font if he has only 1 AP.
  9. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    Shaman had a niche role in the crystal theme and while she was a pretty expensive that could have been mitigated by increasing the min range from 2 to 3 or even 4. The change didn't make her bad it was just a bad change to an already decent rune that only needed a few tweaks not an entire overhaul.

    I still haven't gotten a chance to play with the Elemental Core because expansion costs more money than I can part with.

    AoI's ability is actually pretty cheap for what it does given that it does take time to start up. She currently is way too much of a nora sink and her changes her highly irrelevant.
    mortal ix likes this.
  10. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, exactly. Hardy is just defending the patch because he probably had a saying in it, since hes good friends with Moles and those guys really like to consult each other.
  11. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    That mechanic would probably be extremely hard to implement but if you had the banner out it would result in them losing 1 AP before actually enter the deployment zone. IF it works anything like UD bonus it may possibly result in a loss of 2 ap like how the UD font bonus procs 2 damage on entry and at the end of the turn.
  12. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Well, Id be ok with that. Very strong, but people would have to be cautious before contesting, just like it is vs IS where you cant drop a relic.
    Also, for the first time I didnt get a box for the expansion - I feel dirty to have to look at my collection and see the missing runes.
    I want Pox to take my money, I really do - but it just seems they dont want it.
  13. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    Fair enough. I feel there is no middle ground with Duplicity however, because better charge mechanics would make her batshit insane in the long run. So I don't know where to go with her.

    I get the deal with Shaman, you're right on that one.


    Assuming the cost increase of the ability is reasonable it could be done, can't recall the last time I had cheap options to deploy as a ST player haha. The font bonus does sound potentially crippling and I dig it. It's not game breaking but requires planning.
  14. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    I could see Endless Devotion going to 3 possibly 4 nora with Immortality but it definitely shouldn't trigger the loss of shrine damage. The immortality ability should be conditioned like Nora gem in my opinion. If a jakei is in range (for lore sake lets say to return it to the Cramil) then it gains immortality and nora gem.

    Is this a joke :oops:
  15. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, this is one of my biggest gripes concerning the current meta. We just cant compete in it well because our champs are so damn expensive.
    Only cheap ones are ferren, but their racial got gutted and we were left with a bunch of underwhelming units.
    I had high hopes for a while, but Im starting to loose it because I feel the devs dont have a clue where they want to take the game as a whole, much less a specific faction.
  16. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    I believe a 3-4 increase is something we can afford assuming the main Jakei support units stay within a reasonable cost. That's why I didn't dig 82 Nora shaman to begin with.

    Consider it a long term loan, I don't really play this game.

    Exactly my main issue with things, everything BG I intend to make devolves into Frost Cone/Bolt spam because they're the cheapest options, other than that I've only had mild success with Lonx because they're more resilient.
    But hey, new era, les do what we can and try to sort options that don't necessarily rely on cost to be cool. That's more or less how I've always seen ST anyway.

    P.S.: Buff Glaive.
    mortal ix, KingJad and Pedeguerra like this.
  17. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    Retreat looks like a nice future staple if it had a slight cost decrease to be a bit more rewarding to include. A drop to 35 nora would allow a reset on cooldown as well as a full refund on the spell for champs that cost 70+ nora.
  18. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    I'd like to wait for more opinions on these but currently I'm considering moving the font bonus change and a revert on the changes to the shaman to the Community Suggestions portion of the Main post. I think the charge build up on AoI is fine it's just her cost must be lower to make her appealing in any sense.
  19. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I think Shaman can wait now, Id rather see better/more interesting runes tweaked or changed than see Shaman tweaked again.
    For example, Frostwing Glaive was the perfect candidate for a buff but got neglected.
    Its his time to shine again.
    JellyBerry likes this.
  20. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    There was an old discussion about Frostwing Glaive and a few suggestions were offered looking back I like the suggestion of @Entrepidus more
    Which saw the following changes to the Glaive
    • Increase it's range to 1-3
    • Remove Counter-Attack Range
    • Add Bravery to base
    • Upgrade Path 1 [Dodge (1), Evasive (2), Swoop]
    xKunta and blazinsoul like this.

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