Underrated/underused runes?

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Cydna, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    So I was looking at UD and was wondering what happened to Pit Dragon and I saw it doesn't look bad. I thought the same thing with Gahlroon. Why aren't these champs used in UD? Is it because all they can do is beat Bane Shift down?

    Also, what are some underused or underrated runes in UD?
  2. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    It's becasue they don't offer any utillity. All they do is have high damage. What's the point of running Pit Dragon, when roughly for the same nora I get a flying demon chick with block 2 and 2-5 range attack usually for 19DMG?
  3. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Gahlroon though is a pretty solid rune.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  4. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Votaevs Grasp. Nuff said
  5. Tarabostes

    Tarabostes I need me some PIE!

    Sheoul's Fireball is my favorite spell that no one else uses. It deals more single target damage than Mindstorm on a single turn and if it kills it can potentially deal 24! damage to other champions. So if you position well you can kill 2 champs with a 35 nora spell. Not to mention that it can heal your fire eaters.
    Alakhami likes this.
  6. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Agreed. Auto-include in fire deck.
  7. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Aspect of Oblivion.

    Great Damage output, Deals Magic Damage

    Only drawback is he not a demon

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    balefire knight is pretty dope. Flamestrike 3 and firefeed for 77 nora
  9. Heart

    Heart I need me some PIE!

    lavaspout is madness.
  10. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    And that's considering that Fire Feed is ovecosted compared to fire aura, and will probably get a 2-3 nora discount. I don't think he's crazy gamebreaking though. Just a solid soloist.
  11. yuore

    yuore The King of Potatoes

    the succubus seems very good, almost always win 1 vs 1 against another champion, like demon sheoul
  12. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    I always find room for a Ruby Crawler in all my UD decks. Fire Jab, Fire Eater, Fire Acolyte, Fire Damage, Mirrored. For 70 Nora.

    Really good for the low hp kill on deploy, great vs non physical. Run with an orb out for extra fun.
  13. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    I agree on this. He is sooooo good. One of my favorite UD runes
    Fentum likes this.
  14. chris0024

    chris0024 I need me some PIE!

    Doomies are great includes and so are naria mindtaps.
    Doomies scale very well throughout the game and help shore UD's weakness in the late game and mindtaps are a great ranged unit that works well with drain vitality because of her ability.

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