Understanding the Relationship between BG composition and Skill Level

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by newsbuff, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    but you have to spend nora on a champion each turn for that straight up comparison to be remotely reasonable.

    and for some reason, fs and sp tend to have the easiest time doing that.

    also, having the nora not locked in to one specific place is rather useful, as well as it being rather difficult to pre-nerf a champion-set for nora. damage? sure. UD isn't going to have a lot of units that hit like a truck sans-bonus, surely. tankiness? sure. SL isn't going to have a ton of units with colossal or evasive or what have you, mostly just defense/regen/hp.

    how do i nerf a championset for nora? do i make them all cost more? seems suspect, and like it would counteract the notion of a "bonus" (though that does apply too to the aforementioned UD and SL bonuses)

    i dunno. again, i have the experience that FS has a lot more padding / flexibility just because of the nora
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    but man, + stats is not + nora, FS is so easy dude
  3. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

  4. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Great job on the topic buff, it's not easy to make people see the game through this perspective. Even though it seems easy, it's not.

    And Baskitkase, I'd like to see scientific evidence of what you said (I am not being ironic, just a link will do), so it doesn't remain a personal opinion.

    My opinion is that few complex subjects depend on one factor, that's a childish assumption. Life would be too easy, mankind's problems would be greatly reduced if we could honestly point our fingers and blame one single actor (I said honestly). But sadly we can't, and when we (often) do it falsely, we just create more problems.

    That said, my point is that labeling a person by only one quality he/she shows, is normally extremly erroneous because for example, did you know that I.Q. tests were rendered obsolete because although extremely smart, people with with high I.Q. are generally anxious (among other things), and normally do worse in pressure situations than people with lower I.Q? I could post some links, but googling it would be easier.

    Finally, I'd like to congratulate Newsbuff again on this initiative because - accurate or not - it yearns in a simple way to clarify why it's not that important to worry about acquiring the best runes, but improving yourself as a player.
    newsbuff likes this.
  5. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Scientific evidence? Google it, or disagree with me. I'm not sure if its possible for me to care less but I'll try here in a sec when I get a free moment. I'm a bit tied up typing stuff in this post at the moment.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  6. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Good to know that, I'm eager to read your plethora of ideas. Thanks for helping this game get better! (waiting)
  7. rodar

    rodar Well-Known Member

    The definition of meta OP is using seems a bit of to me. Meta isn't synonymous with the high end of the power or efficiency-curve but is rather a description of how common the appearance of any rune in your "skill-bracket" is. High-ranked meta will be different from low-ranked meta.

    Deck-building can be a useful tool for winning (gaining rank or maintaining tank) if you don't want to run a meta-deck (by copying) or are unable to compensate a sub-optimal deck with higher skill. At any time, in a healthy environment, there are a multitude of sub-optimal decks that can compete with current meta-decks by means of countering said meta-decks or by means of not being countered by the current meta.
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    We await your return o basky
  9. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I've been in my lab doing scientific research for that one guy.
  10. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    Never liked frogs....main reason I stay away from ponds and FS...
  11. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    ITT: Newbies crying over FS. Again. IS, of all things.

    Play FS against FW and tell me how easy it was. Preferably with some deafening aura thrown in, because that makes PHS nothing short of a waste of nora.
  12. Yourmom

    Yourmom The King of Potatoes

    I will continue to create and play non meta BG's and remain in the exo league. It's more fun to me. If being limited is important to you than copy BG's from the top 25.
    newsbuff likes this.
  13. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    I see your spreading goodness and joy like you always do. ;)
  14. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    basky no deliver
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    who are you?

    I only know a youremom who plays pox?
  16. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Well.. i think you are all wrong and the game itself has the blame for this. Not the player, not the runes.
    This topic should be about NUX, there is virtually nowhere in the game were it forces you to be better to win, there are no campaings that teaches you new tactics and different aproach to specific problems (like a "the opponent deployed a melee champ to contest a side font, what should i deploy to run for that? a ranged, a melee, a support? what?)
    The game is not intuitive enought to give hints of what you are doing wrong in a match(not the obvious but those tiny details that together make you loose).
    Part of the problem is that if you make a mistake there is no "undo" on campaigns and there are no "replays" to check what was done wrong and in PvP the game allows so many different outcomes that new players just don't face those problems often enought to lern how to handle them.

    A "Challenge" system could be made (like on starcraft 2 and many other games) that makes you face certain scenarios (puzzles) with just a few tools and let you decide how to solve them and if you do it wrong it hints you and enables an instant rematch to try again. Much like the beginner walkthrough but with several higher levels, including impossible ones.
    Something like this should be enough to at least show how vast and intrincated the tactics on this game are, and teaching the noobies that there is more than rely on rune power and eventually this should reduce the complains to minimal.
    And of course this Challenges should have those little gold/fragment rewards and give you medals you can brag about on the forums and be seen on the profile page (so if someone complains about a rune and you check his profile and he has not won the challenges that teaches you how to solve that champ problem then you can legally insult him).
    Lushiris likes this.
  17. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    I've seen something exactly like that in a TCG named Infinity Wars. I reached the point of having to ask in chat how to solve one of those challenges( I didn't because someone asked before me lol). The toughest challenges had only one exact solution, and I'd have to test again and again until I'd find the right strategy.

    Great post man.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014

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