Updated- Is now an FS/SP Unified Electric BG, with every faction present.

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by DrakeArron, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Alright, so this was originally an ST/FW zombie BG. After listening to Goyo and looking a little harder, I have come up with something far more synergistic, with only one somewhat out of place champ (chipped bolder monk).

    This is a collective FS/SP Electricity BG. It has at least one champion from every faction in it- which is it's objective, to represent every faction in the game.
    It turns out it isn't extremely different from real fry BG's actually, from what I can tell, although it does have quite a few unique aspects I'm sure.

    Link- https://poxbase.com/deck/cpkcxnczQc...0c5qco9cuMs6@S3tsms7Yr2YR13R3Mr2Ze2We3ze27e21

    The boulder monk's only real role is going to be seism, while otherwise just being another body on the board. Pretty much everything else synergizes near- perfectly.

    Thanks for any feedback!

    EDIT- Might add in a second tempest crown, if I can think of where to put it.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
  2. Willow

    Willow I need me some PIE!

    just take a pic in the damn manager so people can see the factions better wtf
  3. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    For Independent Faction I would go with The Collective BG.

    So you could have one of each renegade of each race that's tired of faction wars.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
    DrakeArron likes this.
  4. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    I was thinking that, TBH. Not sure how to do it though. Since, I want to have at least one guy from each faction, which is hard for some factions.
    With a collective BG I'm not sure how to work it. I could go with a wizard BG, however I don't think I can get a champ from each faction easily with that. I'll attempt it again though, see what I can do.
  5. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Bump, because this BG has been so heavily reworked that if this doesn't warrant a bump I don't know what does XD.
  6. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    The new IE lets you take web notes and crop them that I save to a favorites folder I've named Poxnora Battlegroups. From there I just copy/past the pic and it will be added as an attachment.

    I've always liked Cyclops Warwizard
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
    DrakeArron likes this.
  7. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    I prefer this so that you can actually see what the champions are. Newbies like me don't know every champion by a single small close up pic- hell even Kalasle says he has trouble with it sometimes. It's a give and take option.... Besides, I told you the factions in my title, that's more then enough. You don't need to view specifics.

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