Uranium one thoughts

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by super71, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    I think the fact that Trump was elected is good and bad at the same time. It's good because it's a sign that people are not as dumbed down as everyone (including the media) thought them to be. Bad because Trump is a narcissict and an intellectually unfit petit bourjeois, which is an indication that Americans' cultural erudition has degraded to the level of 3rd world countries if not lower -- both in the respect that people like Trump exist and prosper and also in the fact that he was able to ingrain, in a really primitive form of demagoguery, arguably the most ignorant ideas that mankind has witnessed in politics.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
    nepyonisdead likes this.
  2. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    I don't even like Hillary, but lol that you didn't actually look at your "evidence" and just assumed the title was damning enough.
    Geressen and nepyonisdead like this.
  3. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Idk why I bother, I'm curious if your heritage or race leads you to biased decisions instead of thinking logically, you use emotions instead.

    I'm honestly curious if your biased or if your thinking without emotion involved. Similar to how you assume I like trump because I'm a white dude and that makes me biased.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    1. why are you being racist against northern europeans/Dutch people now?
    2. which is it? are you accusing me of not feeling emotions but using them as a tool or are you contradicting yourself about how emotional I supposedly am?
    3. I did not know you were a white dude, I assumed you were right wing because you take their side on everything
    4. being right wing does not mean you likeTrump, you bring up Trump and so he becomes involved in the conversation, it is during these conversations in which you happen to defend his actions
    It could be possible that you are trying to play a game of moral relativism using american political figures which is a dumb game and you'd be the only one playing which is how you find yourself in the situation where you find yourself.

    also reminder your=/= you're
  5. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    1) I'm super racist all the time, half my families black, and my best friend is an Asian.

    2) I think you are emotional, and this makes you go off like a maniac instead of registering what i'm actually saying. If you would actually take the time to read anything i've ever said you would see their are things I agree with that Americans do poorly and things we do better. Our healthcare system sucks, our political system sucks, these are all things I agree with, so right their is me putting emotion aside and recognizing core problems, something you seem to be incapable of doing. I've had many rational discussions with people who otherwise I don't like, or they don't like me if they were right and provided facts on the topic.

    3) I don't take their side on everything again, I don't agree with the vast majority of what Trump does, but I do recognize he's not fighting just democrats and the political field in Washington is a lot worse than other countries recognize or understand. I do realize Trump was the alternative to the devil that is Hilary Clinton, I do recognize that calling Trump a racist, bigot, etc is something Democrats have been doing for decades.

    4) I defend a lot of his actions, his stupidity using twitter I do not defend, but I do recognize it is one of the few tools that he can use where his talking points can not be changed or edited.

    Eliminating our racist past is not a cleansing of everything bad, it's people higher up trying to give America a new starting point and eliminating our history so we can't correct our futures. I find it ironic arguing morals when last I checked Nazism didn't start in the United States, Nazism wasn't defeated by Europeans alone, Americans weren't and aren't blind to what real Nazism is and was. You simply think because people are Republicans that they won't stand for what is right in the world. If it ever came down to Trump deporting "legal immigrants" for no reason other than them being a different race/or a different religious ideology would never happen because people like myself and many other good Republicans still exist, just as many good Democrats exist.

    Easiest way to divide the people, is to bring race, religion, political side, into the conversation and let the divisiveness go to work. The quicker you realize your government is using you as a wedge between you and myself then we can start having real conversations.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty


    The naivety of it all is astonishing. How a country can be so divided and instead of doing something about it and uniting, more division.

    Its too depressing to see part of the West go down like this
    Alakhami likes this.
  7. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    You are still here I see. Why dont you join the discussion about SL being the easiest Wrath faction to play? We think as a result all new Wrath players should play SL do you agree?
  8. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    this stood out amongst the word sallad as being unintentionally funny.

    most of the rest of what you wrote makes no sense in the context of our conversation or the subjects you wanted to talk/ask about. seems you just change subjects when you do not like the answers.
    nepyonisdead likes this.
  9. nepyonisdead

    nepyonisdead I need me some PIE!

    To this post and all similar stories by the media which is exactly what that orange in chief wants which is to blow attention away from his campaign managers and advisors getting picked one at a time.

    This Bane Shift has became too old to be funny and too dumb to be a joke.... Trump supporters aka New age ****'s and fox news cant just bring up hillary every time Bane Shift hits the fan for the president. This Bane Shift is how he won the election but now he has won no one really gives a Bane Shift about hillary so that move wont work twice, and the sad aspect is that she isnt really the target of this bullshit he is trying to stir its Mueller who was involved in the incident and therefore he wants people to question his character by putting him under a moot investigation.

    Like how Firking dumb must someone be to think they will get away with:
    1. not declaring ur tax status and the source of ur income
    2. Firing the first guy that was investigating you
    3. Trying to get rid of the second guy
    4. Your SON and campaign staff have damning evidence proving that collusion in fact did occur...

    all in all look man if you want to believe he is still innocent and this is all just a made up story....thats your choice, but at least dont spread around the BS and just live in your own bubble with the fox news and the rest of the ''right wing''
    Geressen likes this.
  10. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Honestly it is sad, to see how easily we are divided. Americans don't seem to understand politicians have no political side, they are out for themselves and whoever pays them. This is mostly why I find it hard to say I'm a republican or democrat.

    I don't know if the west will go down, I look at it as a stepping stone in that direction if we continue on our current path of destruction of American values and morales.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
  11. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Which question, in your opinion didn't I answer thoroughly enough ?
  12. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Oh you tried it just makes no sense I am referencing the earlier part of the conversation which went:

    Supes: Why do people X?
    Ger: People X because Z
  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Yeah Supes is trying to gaslight me/us
    nepyonisdead likes this.
  14. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    You could have just said which part and I would have answered again, this is my main problem with having conversations with you. I would have tried again to answer your question had you just told me what else you think I didn't answer thoroughly enough for you.
  15. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    What I find most interesting is that Super, being an American, seems to have a rather subpar language proficiency compared to those for whom English isn't even the first language :confused:
    Geressen and nepyonisdead like this.

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