
Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by xplint, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. xplint

    xplint I need me some PIE!

    hi! how about a bg with valdaci champs? is there a good one you can find? is it competitive enough?
  2. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    Some of the valdaci champs are quite good, not sure why you would play a 'valdaci bg' though
  3. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    Valdaci is strange, is draksar+constructs, atm there are 6 champs that got that combo so I wouldnt bother try to make a pure valdaci deck. But they are good, just to few to cover all you want, so either go for a IS/SL split with valdaci as base and adding the missing parts.
    or probably better go for a SL draksar with the valdaci you want to use.
    sentry, bolter, shieldwarden are the one i would use and i them alot in FF IS also
    maybe sweeper if you want to have fun with traps/knockback effects since sweep somehow still just costs 1 AP, and its a mobile unit also
    xplint likes this.
  4. 5amb0

    5amb0 I need me some PIE!


    This is a kind of valdaci deck I play. they got the fire/acid attacks with guardian and commander nisk/ everyone to make dragon skull really worthwhile. Its kind of unexpected for people. lots of relics to absord relics with guardian/ get his aura off. Electricity aurua on tinks lets the gaurdian run in, drop his emerald, drop an acid trap, and have electricity aura for 24 dmg w/o attacking. Dragon engine is a beast with dragon skull out. Drop him after a splinehawk fr 2 speed and imporve his speed with lodestone for a basic every turn for free if they stick to him

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