Vinetouch Pedestal

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by poxrooster, Jun 14, 2017.

  1. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    This is exactly why it should gain preordained. Having to decide 1 or 2, do I mulligan, what happens if I dont draw it etc. All of these things you have to consider disappear when you add preordained.

    Not drawing it early should change the way you play that game, but not lose you it.
  2. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    I'm going to assume you meant shouldn't. :p

    I suppose we have different views on how pedestal should work then. You seem to want to occasionally use it, but don't mind if you can't. I can't see how a deck would work like that. The only way I can think of to use pedestal is to have it as the centerpiece of a deck, where you figure out some strong strategy that can work because of race sharing and use it. In that sort of situation, either you have vinetouch or your deck does nothing, so 1 out of 4 games you may as well auto-concede. That is why I would want preordained, and I don't think it would need much of a cost increase either considering that nobody runs it currently, so it needs a buff.
    I really can't imagine a sort of deck that just runs pedestal to splash in something. It just feels like an all or nothing rune to me.
    poxrooster likes this.
  3. poxrooster

    poxrooster The Pox Chameleon

    I kind of have to agree with Elves here. The rune itself grants a race. Many themes in Pox are race-based, so the magnitude of its contribution means it should come out first with Preordained because you're trying to get access to your theme. If the Pedestal only gave something like Vine Whip or Entangling Attack, then it shouldn't get preordained because these are not usually what you create a build around. These would just be small sub-theme type of contributions that don't require immediate access.
  4. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Ah, yes I agree with that. But thats why I said in my original post that vinetouch needs to be taken away from this gimmick it is at the moment.

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