what is the best screen set up?

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by thegne, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. thegne

    thegne The King of Potatoes

    i hate the set up now can anybody tell me how i can get the best of both worlds like it was ? i had the whole screen on pox i cud still browse and flip back and forth to pox at the same time but now it seems if i have full screened pox im stuck? somebody tell me the best set up plz?

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    at the moment, you are unable to change windows from the full screen. This is a noted issue and may be worked on after the game breaking bugs are fixed, so at the moment, keep it in the windowed format for now I would say.
  3. thegne

    thegne The King of Potatoes

    ok thanx
  4. thegne

    thegne The King of Potatoes

    who else like all the scrolling u haVE TO DO TO PLAY THIS GAME?in window mode i have to scroll scroll scroll ,i also cant see the btm of the screen meaning i cant see the end turn button or current hp somebody else help me!!!if i put it a certain way i cant see my nora the other way i cant see cooldowns

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