Whispers of the mind

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nizzer11, May 9, 2014.

  1. Dresnar20365988

    Dresnar20365988 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Wow, if only there was someone using the rune post nerf-to-shoebox that I could watch play the rune. Oh wait, no one is running it because its useless now. Damm. Defending things that are blatantly wrong seems to be your stock in trade. Glad to see you are contributing in a usefull manner to the discussion like usual. Why don't you go and defend some other nonsense as per your usual, no one has discussed VCK I'm sure you can chat about how balanced it is.

    I gotta ask Kimiz.

    Why you so mad?


    Why you so mad Bro?
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
  2. Kimiz

    Kimiz Active Member

    I am sorry if you were hurt by my post, my only intention was to help.
    I would like to direct you to one of my colleagues who is decent at using Ironfist Stronghold so you could learn some useful tricks, the only problem is that there is no one who can fulfill that requirment at the moment.
    Maybe after the revamp things will be different, I'll keep you on touch my friend. ;)
  3. Dresnar20365988

    Dresnar20365988 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    You are soooo mad.


    Why you so mad Bro?

    It's OK.

    You can tell us.

    You'll feel better after you tell us.

    So why?

    Why you so mad Bro?

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