Faction Reps

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chris0024, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Karmavore


    Poor fools if they only knew *Council Members only Highfive*
    Axeraiser likes this.
  2. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    Sure I'll take SP off your hands.
    TeaScholar likes this.
  3. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    That depends, can I make Slag teh master race?
  4. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    profhulk and SaintKiwi like this.
  5. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Nah, K'thir deserves better. How about Summon: Ancestral Avenger Litter.
  6. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    Milkshake? SP?
    Is this a sign I take the position?
  7. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    There will be blood.
    TeaScholar and soulmilk like this.
  8. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    lushi gets in automatically after me, whenever that ends it's messed up since the council has pretty much been put on pause by him while he works on steam.
  9. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Why in the world would you call me, of all people, out? Are we going to pretend that i wouldnt be the logical choice if dmr stepped down? I guess nebron is the only other viable alternative aside from me
    SaintKiwi, TeaScholar and Poxlife like this.
  10. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Logical choice if DMR stepped down would be no one. The council is a terrible idea because every player has his zealous streaks.
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Vote me for SP kids, I'll take good care of it.

    also covah is just really bad at getting likes to the point he's trying whoring.
    Vote Kanye 2020 likes this.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Kinda curious how different the council would function if players were elected to a faction other than their own.
    OriginalG1 and SPiEkY like this.
  13. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    Vote Movn for IS rep. I've got enough 6 speed physical 80+ nora champs for everyone.
    OriginalG1, Pixyrus and SPiEkY like this.
  14. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Just please be done with this council thing already, @Gedden .
    This thing is not healthy for the game, we all know this.
    If you want to have a group of 2, 3 people you majorly listen to, then fine. But please stop with this council thing process already. I mean, you already said that its going to be a rotation thing, and eventually there will probably be a bunch of players there who have even less interest on balance/game knowledge than the ones we have there - and no offense, we´ve got a pretty weak bunch there atm already.
  15. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    It was a joke ^.^

    And what burn said, need dem likez to join the leet club
  16. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    my problems with the councils have generally been two things-

    1) the attitudes of people about it. and i don't even mean remark's like ho-boy's, to the effect of everyone is biased anyway so it's stupid. everyone is biased in some way or another, i won't argue with that, but that doesn't mean that their bias about balance in pox is a negative factor. if my view of someone is that they're biased more towards overall game balance, for example, and they call out another faction or runeset as being too strong, then i'm going to listen and think about that.

    if my view of someone is that they're biased more towards one faction and they call out another faction, i'm probably going to listen still. they likely have a valid point or two hidden somewhere in there. it just requires a bit more digging.

    no, my problem here is often the attitudes of the people on the council itself. rank and skill at the game (but especially rank) have, to my mind, little to do with how good you'd be on the council

    from what i've seen, a smattering of the following: creativity, ability to work with others, willingness to be wrong, good intention re overall game balance, and a decent game sense will take you far enough.

    creativity to make your runes not all the same 80 nora beater, ability to work with others because frankly the past councils have blown up for reasons, unwillingness to be wrong being one of them. good intention seems obvious, and i'm gonna stress the "decent" part of game sense. you don't need pox superstars designing or balancing the game. they may have good ideas from time to time, but the amount of sheer ego that gets brought in with them only to end up bruised is pretty nasty. give me a set of 8 xirone types and i'd be happy.

    i mean, you guys drove xirone out so maybe that doesn't look like the best example to you, but hey.


    2) i've never liked the factional divisions. it was a problem in corpse pile and it's a potential problem now. demanding representation from a pool of players that don't have many who can represent them well is a flaw in the system.

    the reason it happened to begin with though, as i understand it, is that some factions just weren't getting any attention. really at all. at least not in comparison to the other stuff. so bringing in arguably suboptimal reps (and more importantly setting a precedent for that process- i think the biggest problem to come out of those reps was intracouncil drama. but my memory's not the best) was better than nothing, essentially.

    so the real question is just this, "if you deconstruct the council to a more barebones form, can you trust that all balance concerns really will be treated equally?"

    at which point what you really need is something much more like paid balance testers who tool around with the game in their free time. basically a pile of gaverions (or other name, but his fits) that you throw money at to get some opinions out of.

    somehow i'm not seeing that as an option at this point or really at many/any points in pox's past. so a council-ish setup's your best bet.

    Molosse, TeaScholar, BurnPyro and 2 others like this.
  17. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    i feel like every time i make a wall-of-text like post, i end up with a bunch of likes from people who didn't bother actually reading it but figure that i said something intelligent and want in on the like-train

    does that seem right to you
    Molosse, Queegon, TeaScholar and 3 others like this.
  18. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I always read things before I decide to like or not. I just read fast.
  19. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    I'm simply the FW zealot.

    Or rather the emperor behind the veil while Yobanchi the Shogun does my dirty work. The Sith Lord that the jedi council thought they were friends with until that order 66 came along.
    OriginalG1 likes this.
  20. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    If something like dagda's council happened, I'd happily volunteer as I'm equally invested in all factions. I can already think of several other individuals who actively participate in multiple factions as well. I definitely agree that the current council is prone to factionalism, though. And for the record, I read the entire post. I exude walls of text. The least I can do is read a few as well ;P

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