K'thir colossal boa and forest giant need a serious look

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by super71, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    They both have over 60 hp over 14 damage colossal and high def for less than 80 nora it's crazy needs a nerf bomb.
  2. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    They both got taps. They are stupid efficient but so is a lot of stuff right now. Every faction seems to have these hyper efficient runes post revamp. I think what hurts both of them is the lack of mobility and 2X2 size. I do not run either right now because I prefer my units to be more mobile.
  3. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    isn't it good that they have good efficient runes otherwise what the point of running runes that are not worth running cause their abilities does not match their nora
  4. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    But they don't need to be mobile you can sit them in a font and contest for days. Plus neither of them have a permanent lumbering effect so they are actually pretty mobile. I've yet to play another faction where they post up one champ the whole game in a font and he lives k'thir has many right now.
  5. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Efficient and pretty broken are totally different things right now these champs are way overpowered colossal + physical resist 3 for forest giant and treefolks blessing on boa + the heals your not even damaging these guys.
  6. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Forgot tough and regen on boa whoops.
  7. gillo

    gillo I need me some PIE!

    I haven't seen Forest Giant run since his nerf and haven't seen Boa since before revamp... They are both slow melee tanks for close to 80 nora and that's why I personally wouldn't run either of them.
  8. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Then clearly you don't know how to play k'thir no offense melee tanks clog lanes k'thir position ranged units behind tanks, k'thir wins. That's how it's done in a nutshell.
    jenovah2 likes this.
  9. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Ehhh check my last 30 games ur garbage man get good. Troll fed
  10. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

    Simmer down peasant , let the true overlords of poxnora , like myself, make the decisions .

    May the force be with you
  11. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    only think they need to nerf is hp to 50 otherwise colossal boa it was ok before nerf no one really complained it being op
    also they get huge boost from boost beast + boost elf
    honestly i hope they keep the hp and just give increase nora to 90+
    that way there will be one rune worth using elite blade on
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  12. ngsimmortal

    ngsimmortal Member

    no pls ^^ :v
  13. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    Trust me, I know how to play KF. I know it wasn't directed at me but I basically said the same thing. I do not think I have seen any of the top KFers running either runes since their nerfs. That is for a reason.
    jenovah2 likes this.
  14. Karmavore


    Honestly, as much as I'd like to agree. They're still really, really good units.. Just I can't justify myself putting them into my BG's... Or deploying them. There are far superior options. But if your BG composition requires some good tanks, then those are your go to guys.
    Xirone likes this.
  15. gillo

    gillo I need me some PIE!

    I play KF top 10. You don't know how to make a sensible argument. No offense.
    Xirone likes this.
  16. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    You do realize it's possible for anyone to play k'thir top ten right now? You guy's can argue as much as you'd like the bottom line is they have to many defensive abilities and do alot of damage they need to be nerfed in line with other factions or atleast remotely close go look at other factions unit's with colossal we will see what you think after that.
  17. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    go play kf to the top 10 and show us all.
  18. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    All i'm saying is these runes need to be nerfed in line with other champs with similar skill sets in other factions and as always the zealots show up to troll not surprised. This game never progresses because people always complain about factions and runes they lose to rather than runes that are op in their own faction.
  19. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    What? Isn't that exactly what you are doing? Also no offense but you are in rare league, not anywhere near the top 10 (I usually don't bring something like that up but you insist on talking about rank like it is relevant to the discussion). If you make it to top 10 with KF using boas and giants I will eat my words. Karmavore I absolutely agree with you. I am not saying that they are not good runes, they fill their roles perfectly. They just do not fit the current KF BG's because as you said there are better more mobile options with better utility. They sacrifice the tankiness for it but they fit the current environment of pox better. I could put them in my BG and do just fine but I think if I did I will always deploy an elven taskmaster, falconer, or wild elf before I deploy the boa or giant because they give me more options and bring more to the table than a giant meat shield. I think your sentiments are the same as mine and other top KF players regarding these runes Karmavore.
  20. Karmavore


    Extremely close, if not dead on. :). @super71 ive been rallying, along with other KF players to bring KF's power level down. It's not like we're trying to abuse our own faction... I'm not even sure where your counter points are coming from at this point.. That said, everyone is entitled to their opinions.

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