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Jul 7, 2023
Nov 1, 2014
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Jan 17, 1997 (Age: 27)
Stolen Land
Own Healing

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I need me some PIE!, 27, from Stolen Land

Have returned, made an update post, though posts will be sparse for a while. Want to take it very, very slow.. <3 Jun 20, 2023

DrakeArron was last seen:
Jul 7, 2023
    1. DrakeArron
      Have returned, made an update post, though posts will be sparse for a while. Want to take it very, very slow.. <3
      1. fattyy2k likes this.
      2. fattyy2k
        right now the Discord is far more active. but welcome back to the game!
        Jun 21, 2023
      3. DrakeArron
        Thank you!
        Ik discord is more active, but unfortunatly a combination of factors make it very difficult for me to interact with in a healthy fashion so limit it heavily (outside of dms). Nontheless, the forums have their own charm even with scarce activity <3
        Jun 21, 2023
      4. fattyy2k
        Yeah I am still tracking my Sand BG stuff on the forum, but its pretty quiet here. We have a lot more players right now compared to previous years so that is cool
        Jun 21, 2023
    2. DrakeArron
      Going to be leaving until the new client/console release. Hopefully the increase in player base will fix the things that annoy me so much.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. IMAGIRL
        Sep 8, 2016
      3. Ralphen
        No... they update the preview video to "Coming this Winter".
        Sep 8, 2016
      4. yobanchi
        Winter is coming
        Sep 8, 2016
    3. DrakeArron
      Been playing Enderal... feels good to be able to play a Skyrim like game without having to mess with dozens of mods.
      1. Lushiris likes this.
      2. DrakeArron
        (Enderal is a single skyrim mod that essentially makes it into an entirely new game).
        Aug 16, 2016
      3. Lushiris
        Nice man! Sadly I've overplayed Skyrim, and I'm pretty happy with my last(literally) adventure. Tried nearly a hundred mods to make it look good and stable, played it nearly to completion without console commands, and now I'm just done.

        But yea, making it into a "new" game just proves how much of a cornerstone it was/is/will be, imho.
        Aug 17, 2016
    4. DrakeArron
      I feel like I need an avatar by this point... I think I'd much prefer someone else's suggestion though. Any ideas?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DrakeArron
        @TeaScholar as payment for your contribution, I have liked every post you've made this month. Sure, they're meaningless Internet points, but it's something right? :P
        Aug 16, 2016
      3. TeaScholar
        oh gawd I was like "why do I have 29 notifications?"
        Aug 16, 2016
      4. DrakeArron
        XD. I was afraid that might happen.
        Aug 16, 2016
    5. DrakeArron
      So I have my first actual job. Well, its a payed internship, but if my Dad's right the pay will be amazing.
      1. DrakeArron
        And it could lead to an actual job if I do it well.
        Aug 15, 2016
    6. DrakeArron
      Anyone think theres any possibility Commander Nisk is alive in the lore? imean, they are cyborgs, plausibly the Valdaci could rebuild him
    7. DrakeArron
      Curious, are there any runes like Cyclonic flesh, that can equip the enemy with negative equips? Not exactly something I can put in poxbox..
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DrakeArron
        Aug 10, 2016
      3. Leadrz
        frostfall vanguard
        Aug 10, 2016
      4. Kampel
        Other champ that might help you is Draksar Fabricator and Skeezick Machinist, you gain acces to reforge(get your equips back from CD) and lightnning skrewer (wich works awesomely with the lightnning rod from the Fesh)
        Aug 10, 2016
    8. DrakeArron
      To lazy to make a bug thread atm, but Darkmarsh Concealer needs fixes. Primarily with both stealth abilities it unstealths itself.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DrakeArron
        No, I also need to post screenshots... Which I'm not very good at doing quickly.
        Aug 9, 2016
      3. Burcho
        you don't need to, it is just helpfull
        Aug 9, 2016
      4. DrakeArron
        Yeah, and I prefer to be as helpful as I can in my first post :P. I'm just strange..
        Aug 9, 2016
    9. DrakeArron
      I wish there was a way you could personnally ban people. ignore works, but if I fall to temptation of looking at ignored posts it can be bad
      1. DrakeArron
        I mean, if I thought reporting people would fix the problem for me I'd do that, but it generally doesn't. Being able to personally ban them would make me comfortable knowing I never have to communicate or read something of there's ever again.
        Aug 7, 2016
      2. DrakeArron
        and by personally ban, I mean I and only I would never see aa trace of them. Not actually allow everyone to ban everyone else XD
        Aug 7, 2016
    10. DrakeArron
      So, I've just decided to start following everyone who I want to know whether they'll reply soon, regardless of friends.. am I weird? XD
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SPiEkY
        Well that was mean
        Aug 7, 2016
      3. DrakeArron
        What? Did I upset you? I'm sorry.... :(
        (or did someone I ignored comment here...?)
        Aug 7, 2016
      4. Willow
        pfft i know you can still see everything i write ******. you just wont get the notifications for it. You're a Firking pathetic human being
        Aug 7, 2016
    11. DrakeArron
      Absolutely loving Firemaw. Pretty sure he's won me the most games out of anything.
      1. badgerale likes this.
    12. DrakeArron
      EDIT: ah never mind, is working. not sure why I thought otherwise.
    13. DrakeArron
      Firking love the updated Glorious Xulos. Making him the faction card color was a nice touch to set it apart from just a color change.
      1. DrakeArron
        Makes me want to abandon my FS/UD BG for a bit and play FW for a while again...
        Aug 5, 2016
    14. DrakeArron
      Could we PLEASE make it so that it confirms if you want to quit before you do? Every time I click it i worry about looking like a ragequiter
      1. Gnomes likes this.
      2. DrakeArron
        I just hate upsetting other people, especially when I didn't attempt to
        Aug 5, 2016
    15. DrakeArron
      Sorry guys, I seem to be a bit.. off in my attitude as of late. Not sure why.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cydna
        Stop doing drugs
        Aug 4, 2016
      3. SPiEkY
        Start doing drugs
        Aug 4, 2016
      4. Lushiris
        Welcome to Poxnora Forums bro, nobody here has the right attitude.
        Aug 4, 2016
    16. DrakeArron
      I'd appreciate any thoughts on my FS/UD Bg, in the split faction thread. Want to make sure I buy the right stuff >.<
    17. DrakeArron
      Question- what is the tortun land cannon's cannon shot? Would like to knoq if it deals aoe fire damage.
      1. aseryen
        Physical I believe.
        Aug 3, 2016
      2. Willow
        also single target 10 dmg
        Aug 3, 2016
      3. DrakeArron
        Ok, thanks
        Aug 3, 2016
    18. DrakeArron
      So I just won a doombringer for free... well, I had to share some of my great wisdom, but essentially for free. :P Now I have to go naria...
      1. Gnomes and Lushiris like this.
      2. Burcho
        Aug 2, 2016
    19. DrakeArron
      So I just got two legendaries in one extended set box.. pretty happy.
      1. DrakeArron
        And according to poxbox, one of them is the most valuable ironfist stronghold legendary. Amazing!
        Jul 31, 2016
      2. Kampel
        Nice! Happend to me once but those were the two cheapest un SL
        Jul 31, 2016
    20. DrakeArron
      Man, the forums are really active. Like, I could go all day replying to people without so much as a 5 minute break in between. Its great XD
      1. Qucas, Gnomes, 19madfox95 and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DrakeArron
        Hah! You think this is a game Markoth? No, the silly little computer app is the game. This is no game. This is a war. A war of fighting and soon to be betrayed alliances known to none but those who dare to try. Game? If this is a game, Nuclear war is a minor town election to decide who gets to live an extra day.
        Jul 30, 2016
      4. Markoth
        Its a game for those that rise above and see the world for what it is. A dark closet full of toys and pieces for the boards that sit unused until the players have set their place.
        Jul 30, 2016
      5. Lushiris
        Not enough likes
        Jul 30, 2016
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  • About

    Jan 17, 1997 (Age: 27)
    Stolen Land
    Own Healing
    Originally came to this community 7 - 10 years ago, and was much different back then, lost in trauma I couldnt see.

    (Now) I am;
    Trans, Nonbinary, and plural (they/them/theirs). Occaisinally will switch betwern I and We as self reference if speaking naturally.

    I'm (now) a radically-inclusive anarchist, and dont tend to do well with heirarchy or authority. If a mod, for example, has an issue with me it will go much, much better if they reduce their agency in the cinversation to make up for the power gained as a mod. ( as I recognize current internet space makes non-modded discussion near impossible, tbc, though other possibilities exist in the future.)
    I'm also extremely self educated, on this topic in particular. If, by chance, this subject comes up- though I will do my best to avoid that occuring- id advise you not treat me as naive or close minded.
    This all is doubly important as much of my trauma comes from harmful heirarchies, and the problems that arise from them. So its in all our interests to be tentative about this ;^^

    As for pox nora, sort of remains to be seen..


    “I think the problem is that oftentimes, the only people that are qualified to talk about something are people that, were they to talk about it, they’d be hypocrites.” -Bo Burnham
    ...... "It is time for a new secret plan. So as to not be the martyred slave of routine, plan adventure, plan pleasure, plan pandemonium, as you wish, but plan, plan secretly and without respite." - 'The answer' via "Recipes for Disaster.."
    I am Trans, Nonbinary. [they/them/theirs]