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Jun 8, 2017
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February 4

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I need me some PIE!, Male

congrats to steve kerr, a hell of a coach & the half of the warriors I don't wish death upon. steph isn't black and is a wannabe shooter. Jun 8, 2017

mw24 was last seen:
Jun 8, 2017
    1. mw24
      @Grimhold most blues do the same thing as you except they don't dc people right before they lose and don't have a 95% winrate...
    2. mw24
      @Grimhold an above average player has a 95% winrate and dcs people right before he losses. Sounds like a hacker...
    3. mw24
      Right before you were about to lose the game I disconnected in a way I have never dcd before. The server was fine and so was my internet.
    4. mw24
      @Grimhold you have a 95% win rate and aren't particularly good which means others would be able to beat you without much difficulty.
    5. mw24
      @Grimhold I did not dc like I have tens of other times. this was a completely unique dc.
    6. mw24
      @Sokolov this guy is hacking games to maintain a 90%+ winrate... He just forced me to dc and dropped my game before he lost.
    7. mw24
      @Markoth he has a 95% winrate and he's not even good, seems legit. I have never dcd in this way before in pox, it was a force dc.
    8. mw24
      @Markoth you are lucky. was about to pass you in drums and this dude hacked the game, dcing me and preventing his loss...
    9. mw24
      you play ranked with anything that's not insanely broken you won't get anywhere because of complete bs bg's that currently exist.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mw24
        devilsrath and tiny are different.
        Aug 3, 2015
      3. Markoth
        How so? If you play 20 games that net you between 1-5 exp on average and have a 90% w/l ratio you at best gain 30 exp and at worse lose 15. In fact the threat is amplified for them because they are at the top of the ladder. Losses hurt them more than the average person while wins help them less.
        Aug 3, 2015
      4. Markoth
        In fact Devils last 2 losses equally offset his last 20 wins that were against opponents that are not TinyDragon.
        Aug 3, 2015
    10. mw24
      @BurnPyro that's just an excuse. Most the stuff I have talked about doesn't take much of either if you know how to make the proper changes.
    11. mw24
      The game needs to consistently be in a better state than it has been and is currently to retain old and attract new players.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dwlr
        It's not just about the 'friendliness', it's the general immaturity not just among you, but all those using female avatars acting like 5 year old children, refusing to see that they're a problem like yourself fixating on a single aspect.
        Aug 2, 2015
      3. themacca
        did you actually just call me unfriendly to new players? nearly all of my time in this game is devoted to my guild thats devoted to helping new players lol
        Aug 2, 2015
      4. Dwlr
        Childish squabbles just because you don't like each other is a turn off for people. Looks real appealing when you see the current members nit-picking at each other. Good on you for responding instead of just ignoring it like a mature adult, kudos.
        Aug 3, 2015
    12. mw24
      @Sokolov if you need me to explain in detail how to fix many of the current issues with the game itself, I could do this when I have time...
    13. mw24
      I am shocked @Sokolov and @IMAGIRL upvoted themaccas post after all the time and effort I put in to help improve the game.
    14. mw24
      @BurnPyro fix the broken abilities, ability sets, stats, rune combinations, sandbags, upgrades, and synergies, and send it to the devs. -__-
    15. mw24
      @BurnPyro how about you do something that's actually going to help the game like fixing SL.
    16. mw24
      @BurnPyro you should be focused more on helping the devs fix the game so it can actually retain players, taylor swift.
    17. mw24
      @h0spy alot of games communities are similar to this one.People play a game because of the game more than the community.
    18. mw24
      league of legends is only 3 years younger than pox. this game is just as fun when fixable flaws with the game aren't ruining the experience.
    19. mw24
      @Sokolov, @IMAGIRL the declining population is not just because the game is old, just fyi. its because of the state of the game.
    20. mw24
      If I had more control, many problems that exist with the game currently would not exist. I don't expect you to understand that though macca.
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    February 4


    Hotfix, Ban, or Delete Sapper+Juggler from the game.(or all 3) It does 80+ aoe damage and 1shotted my shrine. @sokolov