FS/SP Flank n Gank

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Sirius, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I really had no idea how to name this. Basically, I made a low rarity FS/SP bg to have fun with until expansion hits with forgeable LEGs, so I can complete the deck I want.


    I hope the general idea of it is fairly simple and obvious, but I might be wrong. I feel like I'm missing out on some big bad beater that I should add. I really wanted Goading Mask in there (in fact that was the starting idea: "FS/SP with Goading") and Soulsphere is cool. But I have no Shatter or standard AoE so I'm a bit worried. I'm also sad Rock Trap didn't make it in. The damage type variety is kind of lame too.

    So...yeah! I was hoping you guys could give me some advice on how to make this better, preferably with low rarity stuff. Maybe I'll let an exo or 2 pass if they're really good for it, but it's intended as an "in the meantime" deck.
  2. bioalchemy

    bioalchemy Member

    I don't think I do get the general idea. Judging purely from the title I'm guessing you are trying some tactics with flanking? If so, you really have to include pygmy hippo stampede since you can give them and other units near them flanking with peak tactics. Another interesting interaction with flanking comes with the ability "mark." Mark will add an additional 5 damage to flanking. I don't remember for sure but I also think flanking interacts with sunder, adding 2 damage to both the initial damage and to flanking damage.
  3. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    Flanking provides +5 DMG to Basic Attacks against engaged champions. So it doesn't receive double damage from Sunder or anything similar. A champion attacking a target would receiving the following:

    Base 10 DMG +5 (Flanking) +2 (Sunder via -2 DEF) +2 (Mark) = 19 DMG
    This stacks additively with any other flat damage bonuses.
  4. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    Some possible adjustments that diversify your AoE bombs (Fire Bomber/Voil Bomber) and grant access to Metamorphosis (Tome of the Arcanis), Shatter (Voil Bomber), Sunder (Froblic Bull/Voltaic Slag) and some more global healing (Blood of the Swamp):

    Let me know if you have any questions!
  5. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    I thought this was a thread about porn...
  6. bioalchemy

    bioalchemy Member

    That might be what the ability "says" but as we all know that doesn't mean a whole lot. I made a bg surrounding this mechanic and flanking does add an additional 5 damage when used in combination with mark. SO.....

    Base 10 DMG +5 (flanking) +2(mark) + 5 flanking= 22 DMG

    Then I think that sunder may add 2 damage both to the mark damage and to base damage but I don't remember. It's been months since I played - let alone since I played with that bg.
  7. bioalchemy

    bioalchemy Member

    FS/SP used to be a good option for this bg when darkmarsh concealer had mark but now it's probably better when used with IS.

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