Ranking System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by attio26, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. attio26

    attio26 Lord of FS

    Can someone please explain the ranking system to me?

    This is my record yesterday;
    Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 14.16.54.png
    Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 14.16.12.png

    So that's 17 wins and 7 losses. Two of the losses were against rank 1 and 3. Yet, I've gone down about 60 ranks to rank 101 in exotic league. How is that possible?
  2. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - This used to be the part where dat flower fella would say

    "Listen up you non-quantum physics mastered imbeciles... the rank system is based on an Albert Einstein created algorithm which was then enchanted by the greatest wizard of all time Merlin (sorry harry potter fans) and finally kissed by all the victoria's secret models before it was implemented....so despite the fact that
    "NO ONE" likes it.......

    attio26 likes this.
  3. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    I imagine its based on a similar system:
    ItsQtotheT likes this.
  4. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Your rank and your Elo are two separate things. For the sake of the discussion lets assume that your Elo is 1000. If you play against someone else with 1000 Elo and win you gain X Elo. If you play against someone with 1500 Elo (Much higher) and win you may gain 1.5X (I dont know the upper and lower bounds of Elo gain). If you play against someone with 500 Elo (much lower) you only gain 1 Elo fom a win.

    I dont know the ranks of the people you played but its possible you only gained a few Elo from your wins and lost more from your losses (If you lose you lose as much Elo as your opponent gains).

    Its also entirely possible to gain Elo and go down in rank if people gain more Elo than you. Your rank just orders people from Highest to Lowest Elo. If at the end of te day you gained 25 Elo and ended at 1025 but a bunch of people lower than you gained 50 Elo and ended at 1030 your rank can go down.
    attio26 and IMAGIRL like this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    /\ That sums it up quite nicely. However here is the Q&A answer. \/
    attio26 likes this.
  6. attio26

    attio26 Lord of FS

    Alright, thanks for explaining everyone. So basically I must have a high ELO which makes it much more difficult for me to go up in rank. Even if I win a load of games.

    I don't like to moan but isn't that a bit sucky? I mean the 7 guys I lost to I think only one was a lower rank than me, I definitely beat at least to limited players as well. Why are ELO and rank not connected?

    hahaha, lolapalooza.
  7. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    They are. At the end of the day everyones Elo is ordered from highest to lowest and then your rank is your position in that order.
    Senshu likes this.
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    First, by "ELO" you mean "EXP" right? Because thats what shows up in the ranks.
    Either way, that math is bugged beyond belief, Mark, there is no way players should be penalised the more they play, and this is whats been happening to Pox for the last 5 years or so.
    Im still under the opinion that this system should be revised, or at least the amount of Exp you gain/loose should show up after a match.
  9. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Yes Exp is what its called. The ranking system just works similarly to an Elo system but there are definitely quirks that I cannot explain. I dont know why but playing more than a few games does seem to skew how much is gained. There may be a "cap" to how much exp that can be gained in a day (dont know why there would be) with an exponential curve towards the max. Lets say the cap is 50 exp. You win 3 games and have gained 35ish exp as a result. Your next win may nprmally give 5 exp but because of the curve you gain 5. Next game you lose and lose a full 20 exp. You then end the day only gaining 20 exp even though you went 4-1.
    I truely hope this isnt the case. If it or something similar is in play then there absolutely need to be changes.
    attio26 likes this.
  10. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Good points, I agree that might be the case but I have no idea.
  11. heroex7777

    heroex7777 Lord of ST

    my alt has 32 games total, 29 wins 3 losses. Stuck in exotic league.

    bm went 7-2 and experience didn't change, lost my lead against 2 and 3. I was ahead by 30 now they're 10 behind

    imo there's a exp cap every day. so going 5-0 will give you max exp for the day whereas going 50-5 would make you gain less, or even lose some because you lost at all
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  12. Zidiana

    Zidiana The King of Potatoes

    I find that the ranks quickly get very stagnant, ie the first week or so after reset there is a lot of up and down but after that you land somewhere and sort of stay there.

    I once gained rank by not playing hehe
  13. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - So this is basically what happens. People either tell them "what" is happening...but the real discussion usually ends up being "Should it". So now we all know for the 9000th time ..why it happens...can we get to the part where ... If a large amount of people know how the rank system works but dont feel rewarded or meaningfully compensated then should it still work this way?
  14. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Exactly this. Its likely there to prevent an unranked skilled player from catapulting themselves into the top 10 just because they are lower ranked than everyone else. Its understandable and something similar should be in place but it currently effects people that are correctly placed in the rankings and hindering their ability to climb.
  15. Nebron

    Nebron I need me some PIE!

    It's better to go 4-0 than it is to go 10-1, if you want to go up in rank (which doesn't matter but w/e) just win a few games a day and it won't take that long.
  16. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Or play against your alt like the pox battlemaster does.
  17. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

  18. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Theres no point in trying to achieve a good rank if you're trying to show of skill. Until we get a new system, most of the top ranks remain the same baddies.
    SPiEkY and Pedeguerra like this.
  19. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I once won 18 outta 20 and everyone was higher ranked lol i went down like 30 ranks. Bottom line is i think players that were previously in limited just are automatically put their after they win like 3 games, same goes for exo and rare.
  20. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty


    Ok, yeah, I see your point. Carry on.

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