Kanen BG

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Aghatoor, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    Hello everybody! I'm trying a kanen BG, and i'm having a nice time with it, it's for sure funny but not isn't solid at all, so i'm looking for some advice. This is my list:


    I decide to go for a full melee units, but kiergana and a lasher, because of the pack abilities, and i know it's quite ricky but i don't like kanen witches at all: they are good support unit for sure, but not what kanens need.

    I decided to put all the alphas in, because of a pair of unlucky games during that i didn't draw an Alpha in the first half of the deck lol, but timberjaw is not that good, and also bloodhowler is hard to play cause is 2x2.

    I'm thinking about adding a second scavenger that is good, most of all with vortex, and maybe a pillager for font contesting and alternate damage.

    I'm also not sure about the non-champs: i tried antimagic zone, but dropped out, as the second harpoon, one is enough. But i'd like to play havoc touch and maybe a second pack savagery, but still can't find the place. Finally, i put jasper over hive just for the scoured malus in def, can give to kanen easy 3/4 damage more than hive.
  2. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

  3. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Drop Mark for a second Pack Savagery. That spell is insanely good, one of the best reasons to play Kanen. Consider dropping one Two-Headed for a Timberjaw Alpha. Mountaineer is very good with Unleash.
  4. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    Mark is extremly good too, just 25 nora for killing a single target giving your kanens a sort of exploit ability, very usefull with unleash. Two-headed are staples for me, 8 speed + call of the hunter help your unit to setup for the kill, i coul try it on bloodhowler i suppose. And yes i wanna find a place for pack savagery, very op powerturn.
  5. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    After last patch Kanen received some changes, and i like them so much! Rupture alpha received a +3hp and +2 nora cost, we can call it "nerf", but it doesn't hurt at all. While witches got buffed for sure (Kiergana not that much), a little stats reduction for Cultist, Crone and Kiergana, and they received respectivly -5, -6 and -6 nora cost! So this makes Cultist been amazing according to me, Crone damage nerf doesn't hurt that much thanks to the surge, and Kiergana is the only one that i prefer see without this changes, but many ranged units got nerfed, and she deserved a little damage nerf, she was amazing for sure, but now she's stil pretty good in Kanen and cheaper.
  6. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    Does forbidden fruit still kill things with pack mentality attacks?
  7. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    Don't know, gonna try for sure!
    EDIT: pack mentality attack aren't basic attack anymore, so fruit won't kill enemy unit. Just tryied to be sure :(
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
  8. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    I've been running this: https://poxbase.com/deck/CiFcymcybcyQCyTciGciYchDc35Ci0cuLCx=s5Qs3ts84S63s6Ys73s59s82r2Yr2fr2IrPe27

    I like skeezick drummer instead of draconic benediction. It does basically the same thing, but is cheaper and gives you a body to work with. Downside is it has to be deployed pre-emptively.

    Otherwise the deck is really strong. It's my first time playing kanen so I was surprised at how easily pack leader+pack mentality can shred a champion. Add in pack savagery/peak tactics and you get insane one-rounding potential.

    I don't run any mongrels, I feel like their damage is too low, and howler does the same thing but has call to arms and swarm for only 8 more nora.

    Crazed Warmandrils are pretty juicy, as 7 speed and high damage is amazing with pack mentality. Berserk attack rank three means they'll be hitting for 17 damage, and their health got buffed a lot in the last patch. Downside is they don't benefit from kanen racial abilities. If you wanted to run three, it would be tempting to also run magnify beast, although I wouldn't recommend it with the abundance of dispel running around.

    I'm surprised you aren't running magnetize. It's easily one of the best anti relic/equip in a convenient package. I find myself relying on it a lot to destroy debuffing equips on my important champs.

    Scythe of gore is amazing, letting you surprise people by double tapping with multiattack. I put it on spark crone or kiergana, because ranged shadowstrike is really really strong, and keeps them alive for a long time.

    The biggest downside to the deck is the abundance of physical damage. It has a lot of trouble dealing with ghosts.
  9. Aghatoor

    Aghatoor I need me some PIE!

    Drummer can replace DB for sure, but as you said you have to deploy him and then use his ability next turn, so i prefer playing DB, love that spell.
    I think mongrels are auto in, reinforcement helps a lot grabbing early game fonts in some maps and most of all reaching the fight a turn faster if needed. They can also use that extra ap just for unleashing the leader. I tried to put tornado instead of magnetize because i don't play any aoe dmg spell, so tornado can destroy both relics and champs. Of course i can't get rid of equip with it, so i could swap it for magnetize or reforge (love that spell too).
    I've never tried scythe of gore and crazed warmandrils, just couldn't find spot for them, but of course multiattack on ranged unit with shadestrike is great. I would also include a rage band in order to make alphas or kiergana hard beaters, but i don't know, kanens don't lack damage lol.

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