This game seems very imbalanced at the moment.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DiCEM0nEY, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Too many problems to list. So many runes are tiers above others. Not sure what Sok was talking about this game being balanced.
  2. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    April Fools for the people who will actually get triggered by this.
  3. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    Have you considered joining a guild? The best way to get better at the game isn't to blame your deck, but to chat with other players while you play and spectate so you can learn why certain moves are better or worse than other available options or they can explain why some runes are worse/better than they look. It can be really helpful.

    You got up to 1700xp before so I'm certain WINS would take you if you applied.
  4. haroldkin

    haroldkin I need me some PIE!

    Bound to happen. How many 2/2 bears can one game have? Now that's an April Fool's joke waiting to happen.
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    such a horrible troll
  6. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Game is decided mostly by decks . Make it to high elo playing exclusively skeletons. I'll wait.

    Then try 3 games with arroyo elementals with global slam, or basically any sl / St deck.
  7. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    I think it is kind of ridiculous that I would have to prove to you that skeletons are not a terrible theme right now, when everybody else has acknowledged that they are still a top deck and many players have piloted skeletons to top10/top20 positions since lerper lost surge. I am going to do it anyway, though everything you have said up to this point indicates that you will still find a way to ignore my experience as evidence that skeletons are not, in fact, awful.

    I wasn't playing much before yesterday: I gave up on a meta-ish ffFW deck (similar to the one I played against you a week or so ago) and was mixing between a highlander SP goodstuff deck and a fun buff goblin king UD/FS split. I had 1738 exp. before I started playing skeletons.

    This is the deck I am playing with right now. It is probably not completely optimized (I think I will end up taking out berzerker, market, tome, and statue of xulos and putting in more spells, but my playstyle has always been light on spells).
    If you want to take a look at my profile, my first game was against curlyboi yesterday and I have been only playing skellies since then (feel free to pm all the people in my recent history if you don't believe me). Current record is at 6-2 and +40xp. I will keep you updated.

    Having said that, yes: this game is a hybrid tactics and tcg/ccg. The deck that you play has a huge impact on your success, as is true in every tcg/ccg. Yes, SL and ST goodstuff decks are very strong right now. But they are not unbeatable, and there are still lots of decks that can compete with them, given similar skill levels.
    Hierokliff and Tweek516 like this.
  8. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    Good, like to see your climb
  9. Oregreen

    Oregreen Member

    I said the same thing a month ago and you cried and freaked out. LOLOL Firking ****
  10. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    They're not the same person. No idea why they both love christian bale/patrick bateman.

    Update: to the surprise of nobody, deck is still rolling along pretty well. Went another 7-2, gained another +44xp (+84 total). After 40 total games I will call it quits, but nothing so far to suggest skeletons are not capable at higher ranks. Meta seems favourable, with very few people playing IS and people seem to have taken swarm out of their decks as well.
    Tweek516 likes this.
  11. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    this happens an alarmingly frequent amount tbh
    NevrGonaGivUup and Etherielin like this.
  12. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    update for @DiCEM0nEY

    Swapped out statue of xulos and broken bones for a bone elemental and a hoarfrost dragon (there is a lot of ST these days so resistance frost + magic is pretty slick). With 30 games under my belt and another 10 to go, I'm at 23-7 and +182 experience in a little under a week.
    Worst matchups so far have been FS and SL, which have beaten me through sheer effiiciency and non-targeted damage. I definitely wish that skeletons had more control/counter options (distract, hinder/slow, etc.) but there's really not a whole lot to complain about.
    Tweek516 likes this.
  13. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    wr isnt nearly as important as elo, u should say those changes and do 100 games. i use snuff for control.
  14. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I have to be honest though, you winning a bunch of skeleton games (well 30 ish) isn't really convincing me skeletons are good, so much as me playing a bunch of half assed SP / arroyo have convinced me they are bad
  15. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    He did. +182, a pretty big climb.

    Also, your argument was:

    "Nobody is playing skellies at top ranks, proving they're bad."

    Davre goes and plays skellies at top ranks, does well.

    "That doesn't mean skellies are good."

    How can we win.
    Hierokliff, MaruXV and Etherielin like this.
  16. mintdude1

    mintdude1 The King of Potatoes

    Tiny crushed this season with skeletons... They are seriously top tier, just takes a bit of effort to play them
  17. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    First of all, they have been repeatedly nerfed so citing "this season" is like saying voil are a top tier deck. Second of all, he most certainly did not use only skeletons, and third of all, he literally has 25K games under his belt, he would crush 99% of the player base with anything.
  18. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    There's no point. Give up on him
    Slencer likes this.
  19. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    Trip report:
    Finished my 40-game stint with skeletons. Will probably not play for a little while so @DiCEM0nEY can take a look at my game history and see how I did over the last 40 games (starting with the game vs. Curlyboi33 and ending with a game vs. Tinydragon).

    After 40 games, I finished with a record of 33 wins, 7 losses. That's a little over 80% win rate with a 15-game win streak at the end. A week ago, I had an ELO of 1738 and was at rank 70. After 40 games of skeletons my ELO is now 2021 (a net gain of 283) and I am at rank 28.

    Your challenge to me a week ago was: "Make it to high elo playing exclusively skeletons. I'll wait."
    You didn't have to wait long.
    Skeletons are good.
  20. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    You sir are a hero.

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