Next Kickstarter Round

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by aseryen, Aug 29, 2020.


Would you buy Poxnora 3D prints

  1. You have to ask...? Only took them reverting to their original IP to take my money again...

    2 vote(s)
  2. Static Figurines are ideal...keep the pedestals

    2 vote(s)
  3. I need joints to pose and tinker with...and later break

    0 vote(s)
  4. Miniatures for RPG is the gambit on colors

    3 vote(s)
  5. Yes, yes, and more yes, I want to paint some plastic

    4 vote(s)
  6. Not interested in Pox-Anymore...*ugh*

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    Going to feature all the new turntables posted on octopiv4 instagram; get something physical into the stores so we can stop #hashtagging other IPs and mass marketing properly.

    $5mill stretch goal here we go...
  2. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    I thought you weren't part of octopi you were going to make a knock-off pox 2
  3. aseryen

    aseryen I need me some PIE!

    To the first part, I'm not, just guessing at the octopiv4 roadmap; more satire than not but it's not a far stretch to think of their next move with what's being showcased.

    To your second point, I am, just not nearly as far along on the art side as octopi but when I saw the postings I had to make some kind of buzz related to the turntables. Gives me a metric to what people may like if I have something worth printing on plastic. Also I won't be advertising as just a Pox-game; Poxnora will be there but not in a single form. If I release anything it can't infringe on any copyrights especially when I don't want to copy/paste and I would like to work in some capacity with other devs; my goal was to preserve the game on UE4 at the time when it was announced as free in 2014; that is still the goal now with UE5 and on but with my own loops/lore while following an industry norm of past-future story arc skip = "brand new product' which will more or less be able to make up for my lack of IP. When compared to Poxnora I've expanded on the lore since Boghoppers/Leoss/etc. aren't my own creations I had to fill gaps or make available the possibility I am given rights to the IP; and planning how then do I not miss the ball on that with an expanded corpus.

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