Interesting interview here

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by super71, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    L33Ch likes this.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    "Interesting" and Glenn Beck in the same sentence is a diagnostic tool in the DSM-5.
  3. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, until you start looking into the things she says at all or live in the states. Could care less about him, but rarely will people like this be given a platform, especially given the current state of todays media in the states, or considering the people she is calling out. Remember, epstein still hung himself, while on 24 hour watch, with nothing in his room to do so. The worlds most powerful elite wanted him gone, and it's no coincidence with who epstein was, and who that Maxwell chicks father was connected too. As usual though, in ur typical too cool for school fashion brush it aside because it outside your scope and echo chamber.
  4. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Super , Epstein is kind of old news. Finding out the real reason Silicon Valley Bank failed is interesting. Since it is still less than a month since it happened.

    I invite you to watch this. Enjoy.

  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Buddy, right wing media in the states is Glenn Beck type schmucks fearmongering and selling **** pills to separate losers from their money.
  6. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    It's interesting you telling me, what plays on the tv on a daily basis in my country lol. The fact that you don't even understand that most major news corporations in the States are far left, or left. The only cable news station left in the States that is Republican was fox news, now fox news was bought by Disney so they are already pushing left also. Granted I never watch fox news, but you can see the trend when a large far left company like Disney, buys a large far right company. It's amusing that you can't see how far you bias goes, and that you can't look at things objectively ever. Again though, out of your scope.

    We have people like Glenn Beck types emerging, because their are no moderate to Republican news sources left.
  7. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Not really old news, when Epstein still "killed himself", and his lovely wife hasn't been heard from.

    The banks are failing because they want a digital currency, which can be tracked, especially given now that we have 70,000 more irs agents. One world government here we come baby, people like @BurnPyro leading the way with their own ignorance. Those irs agents aren't going after the little person though, "tipping tax", nothing to see here lol.

    Now, if the one world government is going to stop countries like Russia going after Ukraine, then i'm all for it. Very rarely do millionaires and billionaires, that push these agendas have such good plans for the common folk though.
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Glenn Beck has been on radio and tv for decades. Right wing has dominated radio for a century. Just in the last 5 years the emergence of OANN, Newsmax, etc has flourished by playing into the sociopathy of the right wing. Not really sure what metric for left and right you're using here.

    Can you point me to some "left wing" Fox News segments they've in recent times? Hell, what are all these news networks which are left wing (can you give example networks and segments)? Or is this just a feelings based argument?

    Btw, your argument seems to hinge on "I know my country"


    Bold of you to assume I don't live in the US
  9. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Looking at the Fox News website, these are the latest articles under politics
    Having a hard time understanding how this isn't the usual hardline right wing talking points. Circle in red the left wing, Disney pushed, commentary please.
  10. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    "The only cable news station left in the States that is Republican was fox news, now fox news was bought by Disney so they are already pushing left also. Granted I never watch fox news, but you can see the trend when a large far left company like Disney, buys a large far right company."

    Now I should have been more specific here, I don't believe fox news is full on liberal now, it will take a few years for the head honchos at Disney to creep into fox news. My only position is, I want multiple free, unbiased sources of information. You can not get that at cnn, and not fox, not the Washington Post, not nbc, New York Times, Bloomberg, Huffpost, Npr, Newsweek, The New Yorker, time, now real quick, which one of those is moderate or Republican based again ? Apparently all these news stations have been far right, now maybe back 40 years ago, but certainly not in my lifetime.

    Reading comprehension is hard, so I repeated what I wrote for ya.

    I know you don't live in the States permanently, and you weren't born here, but you have for a period of time, at least one point you were. Being here a few years, hardly shows the large problem that most Americans see on a daily basis. I remember mentioning to avoid mcdonalds or something of the ilk because I didn't want you to eat our terrible chemically infested food.Lucky for you, I actually read what you wrote and take your thoughts and comments into consideration, unlike some.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2023
  11. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    1) California is a model for failure, they didn't even have water because they spend all their taxes on giving drug addicts clean needles instead of more reservoirs, and better ways to deal with droughts. High taxes, extremely expensive living, drug addicts everywhere, homelessness, then again this was all intended by the elite of California, so maybe they did something right, if your looking at it from a messed up point of view.

    2) If you can't disagree with someone amicably, and end the conversation on good terms, and you need to shout the other person down until they submit and change their mind, if you force your perspective and agenda on a populace, then indeed that is a communist regime.

    3) Trump did make some small strides, and he was indeed a better president than Biden, granted I like Trump a lot less as a human being. Anytime you see every media station except 1, and you see all of the government go after one man, that person is usually doing something the elites don't like. I'd never vote for Trump, but he did a lot of things that haven't been accomplished in decades when he was president. We also weren't almost in world war 3, under Trump either. This is looking from the outside not inside, despite you guys all assuming i'm some sort of far right lunatic.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    You're just uncritically repeating right wing talking points and deluding yourself that you're doing big brain thinking. Just lapping up whatever some podcaster said and vomiting it back out. Now that's the American way.
  13. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Average life expectancy is 15 to 20 years lower in the south, but media zombies can't stop repeating how California is the worst. Brain rot.

    Whole country is sliding down the drain for regular people. Look no further than child labor being accepted again in the south, removal of the rights and criminalizing abortion, hysteria about LGBTQ community, unaffordable housing, stagnant wages and cost of living raises, unaffordable healthcare, right to work states, no proper pensions, etc. Whatever regular people had going for them in this country is done for.

    But as long as your fav media personality points you towards an other you can dislike, and you got a captain on the politics team you can keep cheering for, you'll happily cheer yourself into a worse country without a second thought.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2023
  14. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    What right wing topics ? I've been to California, I have family that live in California, they are the ones telling me that the State is going to hell. Don't even watch podcasts, they are a waste of time, all of the information I read is something I looked for, or someone mentions in passing, and then researched myself.
  15. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Average life expectancy is 15 to 20 years lower ? Dude, do you even hear yourself ? If that were at all true, that would drastically drop the overall life expectancy of the states to like the 50's.... That's not even rational, how can you believe something like that ?

    I'm aware the whole country is sliding down the drain for regular people, hence the video above =). Your acting like I agree with a lot of these things the south does, i'm not anti-abortion, i'm not super religious, I AM NOT FOR CHILD LABOR IN ANY PARTS OF THE WORLD, NOT JUST THE SOUTH. Your literally using talking points that I mention constantly, are you joking or being serious right now ? The biggest problem in the United States right now, is politicians, and millionaires, and billionaires. Your mentioning things, that again, the average United States citizen year round already knows. Rather than communicating said points, you get hostile and immediately assume i'm some pro right Republican, when in fact i'm a moderate republican, and believe in some liberal ideas, cheaper affordable health care, affordable education etc.

    I don't have a favorite media personality, I DONT WATCH ANY MEDIA, I do this thing called reading, and inform myself from all angles of debate.

    Why I am a moderate Republican, Republicans want smaller government, closed borders, less war, Republicans ended slavery, and didn't start the kkk.
  16. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction" Abraham Lincoln- He wasn't a democrat in case you were wondering April 8, 1864, the,the amendment 38 to 6.

    At least have the due diligence of checking on our history, you could argue that their were more Republicans in office than Democrats at the time when the 13th amendment was passed, unfortunately after the war people were a bit skeptical of Democrats having any positions of power given the war they raged to keep free men as slaves.

    If y0u need sources for who started the kkk as well, I'll grab them for you. Or maybe you straight up believe people that support slavery should be running things I don't know, I suppose that's up to you. I'm perfectly aware that SOME Republicans are still racist, but i'm more aware of how racist Democrats are, still trying to hold back African American communities, through poor schools, rampant drugs, and destroying the African American family unit.

    Also remember, that all politicians don't accurately reflect the values of their party base always.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
  17. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Life expectancy from the cdc of all things

    Largest discrepancy I found was 9 years, from Hawaii to Mississippi. Granted I feel like Hawaii culture and the clean air and water and lots of sunshine contributes significantly to life expectancy there and is based on it's location and has very little to do with who runs the place. Although being run by Democrats they seem to have kicked out and displaced a lot of the natives there, and really love making the natives homeless, seems like a trend they always have had.

    Did you spend all 3 years in the states in California, did you venture anywhere south ?
  18. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I've lived in Raleigh, NC for 5 years now. Lovely place, many oaks and squirrels everywhere. Disappointing laws for it's citizens, working or not. Don't get me started on HOAs, healthcare, or anything else. For a country in love with freedom, they sure do love making sure there's a bunch of unaccountable middlemen (or women) who can decide how you should live your life

    The very idea that some ******* down the street can not only tell you how to organize a majority of your street facing activities housing wise, but are also able to fine you without any court oversight or general legislation prohibiting them from charging outrageous sums -- just because they're on the HOA board, would never fly in Europe. But in the USA, we seem to love the idea that one day too we can dictate how others can live their life. The true American dream is to achieve some sort of fiefdom power over others to feel good about yourself
  19. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Most laws aren't designed for the citizens of the United States, that is why the lawmakers make them overly complex, same with the tax codes. Healthcare is a mess, again because of our government getting and taking bribes over and over. Also because our government seems to "misplace" trillions of dollars over the last two decades. Can't think of any other job where you can "misplace" any amount of money and keep it, even working at mcdonalds.

    HOA's are typically in areas with old people, or people who don't know how to get their hands dirty anymore. The true American dream, for most Americans, is to not rely on the government in anyway, have a family, and home and spend your time how we choose. Only the corrupt seek power over others, hence our government. Most good people that have run for government office, are blackballed, or attacked and slandered daily.

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