Incentive to get IN-GAME + Encouragement for New Players

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pipster, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    Hi guys,

    Was just having chat with some boys and girls in the lobby We were discussing the recent weekend LE giveaway and how it was a great idea to get people actually playing instead of hanging around the forums or the lobby and I had an idea that could continue this trend and also ease newer players into the game.

    What if it became part of the Pox system to do giveaways like this. I'm just pulling these figures out of the clouds, but what if after every game you play, you get a 1% chance to win a random exo, 5-10% for a random rare and 20% for a UC/common. The exo percentage is very much symbolic, it's unlikely you'd get even one in a hundred games, but it's still an incentive and it gives a Pox player the feeling that they're not only playing a game for the win or the loss, but also to potentially unlock some more runes. And for a new player, it'd be new runes to potentially trade with or add to their BG.

    Every other MMO has some kind of grinding system similar to this where you get to try your luck to unlock something cool, and it really does incentivize people to grind away and play some more (in my experience anyway) so bringing a feature like this to Pox would, I believe, be a double whammy. It would give a little encouragement to older players to play more games (how much encouragement is arguable), give new players hope that they can unlock more runes as they play with their sub-optimal BGs and it would not have a very visible toll on the trading economy or pack sales.

    All in all, a very minor addition that gives something more to play for than just a win or a loss when you are all CPed out. You could even combine it with levelling up for the newbies, so everytime a newbie levels up he gets a new rune, with the same percentage chances (1% of it being exo, 5-10% rare, etc...). There are many different ways to introduce this kind of idea to the game up to the discretion of the big cheeses.

    EDIT: I didn't address the gold system that is already in place, some people may feel this is enough of an incentive, and that is a fair point. I don't believe it is.

    EDIT 2: Once again, this is just a very raw idea that is little more than a jumble of thoughts, but I think with some refinement and your feedback it could be something that has potential.

    Thoughts or feedback? Should this have been in the rune suggestions forum?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
  2. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

  3. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    That's a very good point. What do you think would happen? People would create bots to just start games and auto-lose them to farm the runes?

    I feel like our community is not yet big enough for this kind of thing to be exploited, and that the various pros will outweigh this (currently) minor con. This is just my opinion of course.
  4. HannibalFee

    HannibalFee Devotee of the Blood Owl

    A grinding system for pox would be pretty neat to get over gold grind. Perhaps a little higher odds with different game types and maybe something more to add to single player since not all players can be competitive.
  5. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    Exactly, I feel like gold grinding is definitely lackluster. However, I was intending this to be limited to online competitive play, as while it won't be as easy to bot games there, it would definitely be easy for people to farm/bot single player campaigns for the benefit.

    EDIT 1: After thinking about this, the issue would be with single player games exclusively where it's the computer vs player. The reward system doesn't have to be limited to competitive player, but could also apply in the training ground to matches over 10 minutes or something. And then we can add conditions to that like once you get 3 unlocks a day, you've reached your limit until it resets with the rank update every 24h. This can get passed two mates farming off of each other for hours in the training grounds (only partly though, not entirely).
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
  6. Mercer Skye

    Mercer Skye I need me some PIE!

    If exploiting were potentially such a huge issue, I'm pretty sure the Campaign rewards would have been axed a long while ago. Exploiters are a minority wherever you go, though likely the reason the current gold system might be as abysmal as it is.

    But BOTs and Dbags can't be the bogeyman people make them out to be. This isn't a terrible idea, and one that should probably pass the blotter once they get all these Revamp kinks ironed out.
  7. goldmonkee

    goldmonkee I need me some PIE!

    And a 0% chance if you D/C!

  8. daeminicus

    daeminicus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    there should be a limit, stacking max upto 5 times. Giving you 100% chance to win a common etc
  9. Chaxxer

    Chaxxer New Member

    Really good idea, though i don't know if this should apply to single player to prevent exploity bg's on certain maps or w/e. Payday 2 and Dawngate are recent games which reward the player after each game. Payday 2 does click 1 of 3 cards and see what you get, and Dawngate rewards you chests of different levels based on how you do which give 3 rewards. Pox could also award cp tokens or a gold bonus also.
  10. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    If they implement something like this it should apply in both single-player and multi-player, then have a limit per day, which we already have a gold limit per day.
  11. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    Good examples, that's exactly what I'm talking about. It's kind of gimmicky at the end of the day, but nothing is more exciting than a good gamble that only costs your time to try. That's another reason it's more exciting than the gold system, or can be an exciting addition to it. Unlike the endless grind of gold, with this proposed addition it would be like playing roulette or going on the slot machine, knowing that there's a small chance for that immediate reward, it can be really addictive.
  12. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    Remember when they nerfed the gold gain? They said that a few exploiters were gaining over 20.000g per day, so they MUST tune down the whole gain for only that minority.

    If you give a chance of winning runes just by creating matches, it's very possible a minority will exploit it so much, it wouldn't see the light for all of us.

    Maybe something like One Exotic per week as a limit is fair enough...
  13. Runegod

    Runegod I need me some PIE!

    Couldn't the problem be solved by only allowing the runes to be earned if you actually finish the game? I'm also not sure how one would earn 20k gold in a month let alone a day how many games would you have to play 100?
  14. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    They can actually finish the match with bots...
  15. devrn

    devrn I need me some PIE!

    That's not far-fetched at all. I do about 5-6 games a day.
  16. Pipster

    Pipster I need me some PIE!

    By the looks of it, some kind of weekly/daily hard cap is definitely in order. Unfortunately there will always be botters, but how much of a sacrifice are we willing to make for our own enjoyment to account for them? This quintessential debate pops up in every MMO, so this is nothing new for Pox.
  17. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    i'd get in your game


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