Firk/psychic revamp

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by Bluefinish, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Bluefinish

    Bluefinish The King of Potatoes

    I have noticed that lto fo the classic firks have improved in the revamp. is a firk theme bg now a viable option? What about a full psychic theme? Please share your thoughts.
  2. Pheezy

    Pheezy The King of Potatoes

  3. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    It is possible to run a firk theme. Firk Mastermind and Firk sensorate are the key champs in the theme now. Firk Mastermind buffs the firk with aid defense and battlemaster 3, and Firk Sensorate is the beater of the bunch with bravery and vindictive abilities. You can run a few styles. One is slam style by upgrading barrier on firk master mind and running firk psions, firk mindweavers, poison fumes and psionic impact. Another style is psychic amp run mostly psychic firks run 2 firk helms and 2 psychic blasts. Last style is to run a highlander mix of firks with 2 masterminds and 2 sensorates. Im sure there are other ways to run them as well this is what I have come up with so far. One last thought Firk Psy sentry is very efficient to run right now. Probably my favorite firk out of them all due to his price and what he can do.
    Swamplordoomed likes this.
  4. bluestun

    bluestun Member

    I know this is the FF forums, but you could consider doing a psychic split with KF as they have quite a few psychic champs as well. It will also allow you to use the split hero firk which in addition to frostcall quiver gives you an additional dmg type. The dryad is a very cheap psychic healer, nymph has amp psychic and possess, and mage of lament as a psy tank to name a few
  5. Taylor

    Taylor I need me some PIE!

    Psychic amp is incredibly strong. It could easily be viable in the meta. Run a FS/X battle-group; preferably UD or FW. A full faction psychic amp is good but no where near as strong. Also the Firk Mindshredder could still be run then with him costing I think 73 Nora with the proper upgrades. The Firk Botanist and the Mindweaver are so, so strong now; I haven't even looked at the Neuromancer or Argol but i'm sure they're viable.
  6. waylandwalker

    waylandwalker The King of Potatoes

    I have a psychic jellebrium/firk FF FS bg, and at least pre-revamp it was pretty fun to play. Mindweavers are pretty good, and I like putting firk masks on them; with the stealth, they're hard to find (so you're more likely to keep the mask amp around) and then I can position them near psychic aura champs while stealthed without them taking damage. Firk diplomat was also buffed at some point a few months ago, and he's really good as well, though you pay for it in a high nora cost. I've never tried running it in a split, but taylor's FW or UD suggestion seems like it would be good. UD has some amazing support spells. (the best of any faction, I think) FW has some great ones too, but not quite as good as UD. I can't recall which psychic champs would be best from those factions or whether they're any better than anything FS has to offer, though.
  7. gillo

    gillo I need me some PIE!

    I would keep it as a module and not focus too much on psychic. Even with amp and vuln, Augurs are still better than half the champs in psychic amp :/
  8. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    A long time ago I ran a psychic amp BG that was FS/UD with Argol as the hero. It was pretty baller, and griefbearers were pretty nice to have in it. Also, eye for an eye on a mind shredder works nicely.

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