Comments on Profile Post by Alakhami

  1. PoxBot
    Video games are more popular now than ever before so I don't know what you're on about.
    Apr 30, 2018
  2. Alakhami
    There are still loads of idiots who think that it's merely a pastime for children. and the academia still barely talks about them apart from a small group of enthusiasts who also happen to be gamers. there seems to be an inherent inability to construct meaningful dialogue between the gamer and the non-gamer and that saddens me.
    Apr 30, 2018
  3. themacca
    he's right there. doesnt matter how good video games get, they'll only ever be identified as a medium for wasting time.

    Which is sad cause there's been some video game releases the past few years that I would genuinely classify as true art & if you ever try & tell someone who isnt a gamer that they will hold you with every bit of derision they can muster.
    Apr 30, 2018
  4. PoxBot
    Just because some people out there don't get games, it doesn't mean it's not getting better. There's all sorts of media like podcasts, documentaries and YT channels dedicated to talking about games in depth whereas back in the 90s, shows about such things would flop. To demand universal appeal and or understanding is silly.
    May 1, 2018
  5. Alakhami
    films got it. though, obviously, films are more accesible and easier to "consume". I'm not arguing that it's not getting better. It's just a shame that considering the magnitude of growth that games went through and the big topics and themes they explore that people aren't even noticing what fantastic experiences and thought-provoking ideas they're missing on.
    May 1, 2018
  6. PoxBot
    There's no point lamenting stuff like that. Like, if you enjoy a hobby like a sport, board games or whatever and someone doesn't get it, there's no use lamenting or feeling bad over that. Instead, you should merely surround yourself with people who get it like you do and just move on.
    May 1, 2018
  7. Alakhami
    a hobby is one thing, but overlooking an art medium which is incorporating some of the greatest ideas of mankind into the most profound experiences (which by the way happen to have a stronger effect than any other medium) is a crime in my opinion.
    May 1, 2018
  8. PoxBot
    You can't just criminalize or fault people for not liking stuff or immersing themselves to X depth, dawg. World doesn't work like that.
    May 1, 2018
  9. Alakhami
    not blaming anyone. The situation is actually really complex. Heizinga described the inability to be playful as puerilism, so the roots of such problem of perception trace way back to the bourgeois revolution according to him. I just think that it's a crime towards ourselves. If the whole world became playful and incorporated the playful modus of thinking from videogames, we'd live in much better and brighter place.
    May 2, 2018